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The Civ Scenario Creation Team Update

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  • #46
    I've got a couple of Stalin speaches downloaded if that would be of any help...
    sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


    • #47
      You know, there are many different ways that "Fast Eddie" could be interperted

      And yes I do think we are asking too many questions about a scenario that is still just being built. It sounds great, though!

      I got mushrooms, I got acid, I got bags of asprin tablets, I'm your brother when you need some more weed to set you free. You know me, I'm your friend when you need a mini thin... Eminem

      I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


      • #48
        Well, Phoenix, to answer your question regarding Norway and how it will be brought up, it will go something like this:

        I still need to figure out how i will have the events run. I dont know which of the 3 is the best way to do it, so I will leave it up to you fellas.

        Choice 1: You are the top Field Marschall of the German Armed Forces, you and you alone plan and direct the attacks on certain objectives which the Fuhrer orders you to attack. "Congratulations, your Panzers are doing very well on the first day of the assault on Poland".

        Choice 2: Events are real-time, as in you get "News flashes" and magazine reports such as in "Signal". "Today at 4:15am the German army stormed Poland"

        Choice 3: Narrative POV: "September 1st, 1939: At 4:15am the German army launched the invasion of Poland, thus starting WW2".

        I personally prefer choice 3. The others are really really weird.

        As for special units: No, there are no Zhukov's, Paulus, or Rommel's. there is not enough units space to do so.

        As for how many units that will be used throughout the scenario, well over 200. This is considering that each unit upgrades as time goes on, and that each unit has a winter, and summer "skin".

        The AI will get a tremoundous advantage in units from december of '41 onwards. You can expect the Russians to have masses of troops that you can not deal with, and so many tanks and warplanes that you have no real choice but to go on the defensive around '43.

        Russia will require 75% of your units that you produce just to hold the front, and once the Americans and Brits open up a 2nd front in Italy, and then a 3rd in Normandy, you are in for alot of trouble, especially since the American forces will be just as numerous as the Russians.

        All in all, win early, plan defense even earlier. Or lose everything.

        Thank you,

        John Petroski
        John Petroski


        • #49
          Are the Germans going to be able to see all the map? Please say they won't...

          And I like choice 3, as well.
          [This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited January 17, 2000).]
          sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


          • #50
            I have not really thought about that yet... It would help me decide if you told me why they should not have complete view of the map.


            John Petroski
            John Petroski


            • #51
              Yes, but none more creative, Phoe .

              I'm actually surprised this got to 50 posts...


              • #52
                sorry hit tab then enter, my bad.

                [This message has been edited by JPetroski (edited January 18, 2000).]
                John Petroski


                • #53
                  Im not too sure on what the map situation so far as fog of war will be.. I dont see it as neccesary personally since barely any civs will be able to move units, there should not be that large of turns unless you have "show enemy moves" on...

                  What does the Civ2 community think?
                  John Petroski


                  • #54
                    I think you should reveal the whole map to the germans, but not using the "reveal whole map" command, but with placing 2 view units and then destroying them. This works out better. I also think choice three is the best, even if it might be innacurate in terms of the scenario (say I invade in 1938 instead of 37, ya know?).
                    I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


                    • #55
                      Unfortunately, you wont really have too much of a choice Phoenix as to when you invade. Basically, you can only attack Poland in 1939, Norway and France in 1940, and so on. Of course, what cities you take and when, especially in the Russian front is all your choice.

                      Thank you,

                      John Petroski
                      John Petroski


                      • #56
                        so you can't make peace at all?


                        • #57
                          Nope, unfortuantely, you are doomed right from the start to have to play the scenario constantly at war with no hope of getting out of it unless you prove to be victorious.


                          John Petroski
                          John Petroski

