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The Civ Scenario Creation Team Update

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  • #16
    I also said as far as my eyes can tell, I don't know jack **** about Europe in WW2.

    And, we JUST distinguished that the extra lakes in the desert are for a special pollution-type terrain. *listen*

    And, JP, I know, I know, but this must be said:

    Mr.Temba *Pheonix?* is the most obnoxious person? alive.
    I'm sure he's heard that *once or twice* before.
    Nicholas Crown
    The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


    • #17
      Ok everyone, here are the answers to your questions. The scenario is still very low in production, but it is turning out great. You'll see.

      Ok here are some answers: This scenario as of now is only playable as Germany. The map is fine for this purpose, and is a new one, very well done by Mike Daumen. I have to say that once you start playing the scenario you should love it.

      The allies are in control of Iraq just for historical playability reasons. I know that the British did not take it over for the War right away, but it is just easier like this since later on in the game we will simulate the Iraqi uprising, and the British taking over completely. Perhaps we could make Iraq barbarian right now but who knows? I think that this is just the easier way to go since the Allies are AI.

      Southern France is NOT in neutral control, even though it might look like that. It's just that the city colors between Vichy France, and the Neutrals are similar. Vichy France as a nation and thus the combining of Britain and France (non Vichy) as one just makes for better playability. It's the best way to simulate Vichy France without taking up another precious unit space. Besides, this way we can show when the Germans take over the southern half of france and when the Allies land in Africa and have to fight the Vichy French somewhat.

      Poland is only temporarily under German control until I have the Barbarians (renamed Baltic States) take over Poland. Just deal with it for now, this is an early screen shot ok?

      As for the cities not being arranged right, well they probably are not, but that is my fault alone. If Fast Eddie wants to "proof city" the map, he is more than welcome to help the team out and do so. I think it would help out the scenario alot. Fast Eddie, you just send me an email and ill send you the scenario so you can take a look at it.

      As for the Quattara depression, that has been explained, but the Westernmost "lake" is simply an "impassable" terrain so that I can make sure that the Brits have to confront the Germans at the Mareth line rather than avoid it by going into the desert and flanking the German positions.

      Hey, this scenario will not be perfect, none are. But, we will try.

      As a final note, Mr Temba is invited to exit any and all conversations having to do with Aufstieg as he has blatantly expressed his view over and over that he hates WW2 scenarios and I dont see any good with having a person like this in a healthy thread which should be used to better the scenario, not degrade it. Thank you.

      John Petroski
      John Petroski


      • #18
        This scenario as of now is only playable as Germany.

        The Balkans look like a fun Civ.:-)

        St. Leo
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #19
          Woohoo! City Proofing! Yeah!

          BTW, I hereby officially challenge St. Leo to a MP contest! He can be the Balkans and I get, errr, Neutrals...


          • #20
            First the easy one, no Nick, no one has ever called me obnoxious in my life, you are the first. I do seem to remember half the people who post here calling you obnoxious, though. I think thats called being a projectionist.

            Now the one worth talking to. John, I seem to remember a scenario called Anstieg that you asked for my comments on and I sent them. You seemed to welcome comments that would make the sceanrio better then, why do you not want to hear them now? I even sent you an email with detailed descriptions of where the problems occured. Also the whole "oh its that kid he'll hate it no matter what" is bull****, as captain nemo will testify because I absolutely loved red front and it is only because i don't spend much time on my comptuer that I don't play it more. If you don't want critical comments about your sceanrio then why didn't you entitle the thread "here is my new project, but you can only say good things about it." perhaps you have noticed the trend i have, when a scenario is only playable as germany its not fun. Alexs Global scenario showed how actually putting several different playable tribes into a scenario can make it fun. I liked that one too. I even enjoyed Third Reich for a few turns. Are you going to make this scenario and then totally ignore opinions about it then, too? I can't see how someone like you could possibly do that and I hope this is all some sort of misunderstanding.

            My life has no purpose...My life has no direction...No Aim...No Meaning...And yet I'm Happy...I can't figure it out...What am I doing right? -Snoopy-
            I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


            • #21
              Mr.Temba, simple, mature come back to you: *ignore* which is what I am going to do from here on to ya in this thread. I suggest everyone else do this as well.
              Nicholas Crown
              The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


              • #22
                so...I've actually SEEN the map, and it's a very good map for the European Theatre of World War II. I've been checking the cities, and Djuggy, Darthy, and Maoy (that's strange...), can all sleep tonight knowing that the map is fine.


                • #23
                  Eddie, I want in on this MP thing! I'll be...the...errr....Vichy!
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #24
                    woohoo! I'm recognized!
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #25
                      Ah Mr Temba,
                      Well, I just thought that your first post was not a very pleasent one, well actually a punch below the belt. I had to reason that more would follow in the long run so I said what I said.

                      I'll warn you right now, this scenario, you will hate Mr Temba, unless, you can get by the long turns. Actually though, the first turn will not be long at all, they will not start to get long until far (turn wise) into the scenario, and by then hopefully you will be hooked.

                      Temba, if you want to help the scenario you are welcome, but if you are going to degrade it (and you are prone to do so in many cases, no offense), then at least wait until it is out, ok?

                      Thank you,

                      John Petroski
                      John Petroski


                      • #26
                        JP: Shut Nick up before he makes the rest of the team look like asses.


                        • #27
                          JP: He must love long turns if he loves Red Front.

                          DarthVeda: Your an ass (given, of course, mainly you), Mr.Temba's an ass, so why can't I be an ass? *ignore*
                          Nicholas Crown
                          The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


                          • #28
                            Okay, we've got two in for an MP game...will Leo play?


                            • #29
                              There will be no mercy when this thing arrives for review at Sleague.


                              • #30
                                There will be no mercy when this thing arrives for review at Sleague.
                                I am saving this into my computer, to prove to everyone and Blackclove that any review you do on this scenario will be non-professional and unfair, just because you hate me. Thanks, DV, I hope Blackclove doesn't accept any reviews you do, seing the quote above.
                                Nicholas Crown
                                The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.

