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File switching

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Stefan Härtel
    I do. It says something about "active files", I believe it refers to the events file.
    Could you by any chance post/PM me the entire contents of those windows?

    You can copy the contents easily using the buttons. Mark everything and copy. If the DOS window is maximized, press Alt+Enter first. German is no problem.

    But as techumseh suggested, I think this might be an OS problem, that could be resolved by using different commands. I'll see if I can make a new example.

    And another thing, fairline gave me another idea... I'm now trying to rewrite CivSwap in C++, so I can build and delevent.exe functionality into it. That means you wouldn't need to include either of them separately anymore, nor would you need the bulky VB run-time files.

    One problem though, I've never written a C++ program before. I've kind of hit a wall though, so if I still haven't figured things out this weekend, I'll just release the version I have now...

    And I still have to write the readme too... As usual, I'm a bit overambitious, so I intend to include a bit of a guide to writing batch files as well... I'm not sure if that will actually happen though.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #32
      Stephan's problem could it be similar to one I identified with BAT files and XP. Boco did some work in an earlier thread which showed that a particular syntax ( ) was needed to get it to run on XP.
      That had to do with itself. It requires two arguments in XP. In earlier versions of Win, the text argument can be omitted.
      El Aurens v2 Beta!


      • #33
        Here's a new test, before I finally release CivSwap and start a new thread:

        I created a new batch file for BeBro's Imperium Romanum (The English version 2.0). If you don't have the scenario already, you can download it here.

        I chose this scenario simply because I happened to have it on my harddrive, and it does a lot of file switching. I have reduced the 3 batch files to one, and automated the switching with CivSwap.

        The attachment includes two files. CivSwap.exe and Install.bat. These replace the functionality of the 3 setup batch files that originally came with Imperium Romanum.

        First of all, you have to run Install.bat (XP users might need
        • First install the correct pedia text file,
        • and then choose the civ you are going to play (you'd have to do this step everytime you start over)

        Secondly, run CivSwap.exe, load the scenario and start playing (and don't forget to turn on autosaving)...

        I didn't change any of the events text files, or the readme, so... When you get the events change notice, instead of saving your game and running the batch file, simply load the newly created savegame (it will be named after your leader and the current game year, e.g. ca_b272.sav).

        For all you scenario creators, have a look at the batch file. If anything is unclear, I'll explain further.

        Edit: added a few clarifications.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Mercator; October 22, 2003, 13:28.
        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


        • #34
          oh kings of hex wisdom!

          Is there any hackable way to increase the limit of units or the amount of events allowed within one file?

          Imagine MGE with ToT's events potential...!


          • #35

            You are the CIV2 evil genius!

            This is a MAJOR STEP forward!
            Allow me to be the first to salute you!


            • #36
              All this file-swapping fun has pushed me to decide that I am going to restart my Dictator WWW project,
              with four evolving sets of unit files and events, going from 1940 to 1946!

              Yaroslav made me a batch file, but it was all the prospect of switching that put me off doing any more to this scen.

              Now with this utility by Mercator, I plan to get this beast of a WW2 scen going again!



              • #37
                Fantastic work. Well done Mercator - this really is a step forward!

                This has the added bonus of giving me an excuse to play BeBro's classic again


                • #38
                  Originally posted by curtsibling
                  Is there any hackable way to increase the limit of units or the amount of events allowed within one file?
                  I believe both have been tested. The former by Julius Brenzaida, the latter by me. It's not possible.

                  Imagine MGE with ToT's events potential...!
                  Imagine all MGE users also having ToT!

                  Thanks... and I'm glad I could be of some inspiration.
                  Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)

