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"Blood, Sweat and Tears" 1940-1945

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  • #31
    Originally posted by conmcb25
    Actually EMUGOD we were thinking about only having EFFECTIVE units so Im not sure we can do this.....
    Actually Canada played a HUGE role in WWII. Before the US entered the war, Canada was truly the Arsenal of Democracy.

    The Canadian contribution began early and made a crucial difference to the winning of the war. For a nation of twelve million people it was a prodigious accomplishment. Over ONE MILLION people served in the military.

    Canadian shipyards during the war launched nearly eight thousand small craft and well over a thousand naval and cargo vessels.

    By the end of the war, Canada had the FOURTH-LARGEST navy in the world - 900 vessels and 106,000 men and women. 373 vessels were earmarked for convoy duty. It had several aircraft carriers, heavy cruisers, etc, and carried out 48% of ALL convoy duty including the Murmansk convoy run. . .

    Canadian industry produced fifty thousand tanks and guncarriers. Most of the military transport used in the English Eighth Army's drive across North Africa against Rommel was Canadian-made.

    Canada built its own tanks including the RAM (which formed the basis for the American Sherman tank), the "Grizzly", etc. . .

    Canada had the second largest contingent of pilots fighting in the Battle of Britain - Squadron 242.

    Canada was the only other large invasion force on D-Day (along with the Americans and British) at Juno Beach. The Canadian First Army liberated Holland and suffered huge casualties (Holland still celebrates this to this day).

    It produced:

    9,000 boats and ships

    50,000 tanks and armoured gun carriers

    16,000 aircraft, including fighters and heavy bombers (the Lancaster). Canada ended the war with the THIRD LARGEST airforce in the world.

    500,000 military vehicles by 1943

    850,000 vehicles by war's end

    Huge amounts of munitions - bullets and shells

    Anti-tank and field artillery

    Naval guns

    Small arms and automatic weapons

    Radar sets and Electronics

    Synthetic rubber

    Uranium for the 'Manhattan Project'

    and more...


    • #32
      Guys I was kidding about the Canadians. (Notice the THREE laughing smileys after my post).

      I talked to Henrik and FiGu about this last sunday and the Canadians will be included. As well as forces from the rest of the Commonwealth.

      I was just kidding really!

      And you guys are absoulutely right , The Brits would have been Royaly screwed if it wasn't for the contributions of its commonwealth forces.

      I can remember somewhere (might have been Panzer Battles) reading about how Rommel was complaining to some captured Aussies or Kiwi's in North Africa about why they were there because the Germans had no quarrel with them. They had a big impact and will be duely represented!
      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


      • #33
        Originally posted by conmcb25
        Guys I was kidding about the Canadians. (Notice the THREE laughing smileys after my post).

        I talked to Henrik and FiGu about this last sunday and the Canadians will be included. As well as forces from the rest of the Commonwealth.

        I was just kidding really!

        And you guys are absoulutely right , The Brits would have been Royaly screwed if it wasn't for the contributions of its commonwealth forces.

        I can remember somewhere (might have been Panzer Battles) reading about how Rommel was complaining to some captured Aussies or Kiwi's in North Africa about why they were there because the Germans had no quarrel with them. They had a big impact and will be duely represented!
        Usually American and British films play up their own military contributions, while Canada quietly goes about its own business.

        We are currently known as peace keepers, but Canada has a very long and distinquished military tradition.

        It is unfortunate that many military wargames STILL ignore Canada. A recent naval wargame includes the navy of Denmark, but completely ignores Canada

        Considering that Canada handled 48% of all convoy duty and ended WWII with the FOURTH-LARGEST NAVY in the world, this is quite hard to fathom. . .


        • #34
          In the early part of the scenario, I recommend having a "De Gaulle" barbarian air unit loitering about the SW of France. The British need to "kill" it in order to get a Fighting/Free French enhancing technology. (This should help give the British something more to do than run away.)

          If you're going to have the civ in question be "Allied" (or "United Nations"), then maybe it would be appropriate to give it control of the cities in what will become Occupied France. Make most of the defenders 0 move, though a few units (esp. French armoured, motor & elite formations) will be able to be evacuated. (It would still be a good idea to change their unit type to something fairly unimportant on the first rules.txt change, though.)

          There seem to be enough spare civs to use one for the "Terminus" - a place to have Lend-Lease units kill themselves to trigger events. You could use this to build up a 0 movement Red Army in the Soviet Base city (assuming a Red Front mirror) in preparation for the eventual Russian invasion.


          • #35
            Originally posted by The Apologist
            In the early part of the scenario, I recommend having a "De Gaulle" barbarian air unit loitering about the SW of France. The British need to "kill" it in order to get a Fighting/Free French enhancing technology. (This should help give the British something more to do than run away.)

            If you're going to have the civ in question be "Allied" (or "United Nations"), then maybe it would be appropriate to give it control of the cities in what will become Occupied France. Make most of the defenders 0 move, though a few units (esp. French armoured, motor & elite formations) will be able to be evacuated. (It would still be a good idea to change their unit type to something fairly unimportant on the first rules.txt change, though.)

            There seem to be enough spare civs to use one for the "Terminus" - a place to have Lend-Lease units kill themselves to trigger events. You could use this to build up a 0 movement Red Army in the Soviet Base city (assuming a Red Front mirror) in preparation for the eventual Russian invasion.
            I like it great ideas!
            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


            • #36
              This is a great idea for a scenario (I would say that, being a Limey). If you need any help with information or unit graphics, then let me know.


              • #37
                Another Thought....

                In order to properly represent Strategic Bombing, use events to create "Factory" units or some such. (You may want a few of these sitting around Germany to begin with.) Not only does killing them trigger an event that takes money away from Germany (as has been done in other Scenarios), but a later rules change could turn them into powerful units (SS Panzers, Luftwaffe Interceptors or something equally horrid).

                Don't let the German AI have very many (if any) ground units to build during the mid-game. This should help keep the Luftwaffe in the skies, fighting the RAF - and also stop the dreaded "too many units" message from popping up all the time.

                If you could convince the AI to subvert cities, then this would be the ideal way to model Lebanon-Syria into the narrative. Alternatively, don't give Vichy any air- or seapower, and have them evented into war with the UN in time for the historical invasion of L-S.

                If you're feeling cute, the Arab Legion would be a neat addition to the game. It's not exactly necessary, though.

                Passage to Egypt seems more long than dangerous, once the Cape has been rounded. If the map doesn't go far enough south (and there's not much reason for it to do so), then just have a long sealane guarded by a "Mine" unit at its Atlantic entrance for UN transports to chug along. A chain of airbases should be able to be established for aircraft to fly from equatorial africa to Egypt, though - and another for flying from Canada to the UK.

                The Desert Front needs to be kept narrow. A number of different methods have been used for this - a blend of terrain and blocking units seems best; though the latter can't possibly give appropriate messages. Hmm. If the movement rates in this scen. are usually quite high, extremely high movement costs for desert terrain (50% or so of an Armour unit's MPs) may do the trick. It's probably necessary to allow some exploitation of the desert flank, but you don't want the DAK or 8th Army sneaking across trackless wastes.


                • #38
                  Just to put the thread back to the first page.
                  "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                  Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                  Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                  • #39
                    Are you using air transport in this scenario? If not, you could ship troops 'around the Horn' using the Civ2 air transport mechanism. Then you could introduce some risk by having 'U-Boats' (fighters) periodically created and removed at bases within range of one or more of the ports of transit.
                    El Aurens v2 Beta!


                    • #40
                      Whats new on this one guys?
                      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                      • #41
                        Untill School stops not much will happen involving me that's for sure

                        The good news however is that the summer break begins on friday for me
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Henrik
                          Untill School stops not much will happen involving me that's for sure

                          The good news however is that the summer break begins on friday for me
                          Fair enough!
                          *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                          • #43
                            Friday already?
                            We still have 1 month to go.
                            Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by yop73
                              Friday already?
                              We still have 1 month to go.
                              OH man they must torture kids in Belgium! When do you go back or maybe I should say when do kids go back to school? Because your done now right?
                              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                              • #45
                                Hah, my summer break begined already this week.
                                "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                                Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                                Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal

