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  • #76
    There's no need to run the bat AFAIK. Would you like to sue for peace?


    • #77
      AFAIK??? Whats that, or am i not allowed to know? HEHEHE

      Chinese Turn Report:

      HAha well nothing much to report!
      Attached Files
      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


      • #78
        Russias Revenge!!

        Stalin is furious! He has ordered the liberation of Stalingrad with all mean nessesary. And so it has been done. Stalingrad, Kiev and Stevastopol have been liberated of the nazis. Armee Group South has totally been destroyed, while Armee Group Central and North have had havy losses. Russian morale is at an all time high, expecially since we are (literaly) standing side by side the British. German forces have been cut in two. The Russian warmachine is working on full capacity. Nothing can stop us now!!!!

        Welcom to the Russian winter!!

        Attached Files
        "We need to upgade our civilization" Brundtland (1988)


        • #79
          Wintson Chruchill Congratulates Stalin on a maginicent victory over the German Hordes!
          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


          • #80
            I conquered a bunch of cities... too many to count and none of their names I can pronounce so just look at Pap's map when he posts it.
            Attached Files
            Re-elect Bush!


            • #81
              Whos turn now?
              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


              • #82
                Germany's next: El Awrence your turn!!
                "We need to upgade our civilization" Brundtland (1988)


                • #83
                  though this may be of little importance...

                  Y'all might want to be aware that if/when the Soviet discovers IS-2 tanks, all of the infantry units become obsolete such that no one can build any of them anymore.



                  • #84
                    Axis defeated

                    Hitler under pressure from Allied invasions commits suicide, leaving Admiral Donitz to sign the surrender of the Third Reich.

                    News of Germany's early and utter defeat destroy the Emperor's hope of a Japanese empire. He decides to abdicate and forfeit conquered possesions to save the Japanese isles from invasion.

                    Congratulations Allies!
                    Re-elect Bush!


                    • #85
                      To bad this PBEM has ended so early. In my opinion things were just getting interesting. The first turn is pretty standard, the real challenge are the following turns.
                      "We need to upgade our civilization" Brundtland (1988)

