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Second Reich PBEM?

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  • ANZAC, nice work... at least you have liberated your capital from the Huns!

    Magyar, tell me about it... in the 2194 game I am in I recently lost approx 6,000 gold worth of rushbuilt tanks to this same phenomenon. Sucks bigtime.



    • But can I keep it liberated?....

      That's why I'm offering a peace agreement
      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


      • Germany should push for as harsh a peace as they can. Get the rest of Alaice and Lorraine from the damn froggies and then sign the peace treaty.
        But good on you scott, and you did it before those damn yanks came along
        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


        • What the hell do i do??

          Italy against Austria and Germany???? Get real!!!!

          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


          • It's already nearly unwinnable, with Russia KOed and me with my army annihilated.
            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


            • So its all over!?

              So i will say it Frist!

              By the Fall of 1914 the Central Powers have won the Great war, with Britian and France Crushed, and Russia all but Destroyed, Italy as a loyal as ever to the Entente continues the fight, but must sucumm at some point...

              So at this point i think this is offically closed and the CENTRAL POWERS (Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire) WINNERS and the ENTENTE are the LOSERs while Italy remains Neutral... (hopefully)
              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


              • Maybe we can continue though... we could throw in harsh peace treaties and redo some events to trigger communist revolutions in France and Britain.


                • LOL that would be funny with the commies in France and such. Who's up to editing it?
                  Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                  • Otherwise, we could always move onto Third Reich...

                    *cries at the thought of playing Yugoslavia*


                    • LOL that would be funny with the commies in France and such. Who's up to editing it?
                      Making France communist? That wouldn't require much editing would it?
                      Re-elect Bush!


                      • I'm up for it!
                        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                        • So what do we do now??
                          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                          • Originally posted by Soundwave
                            So what do we do now??
                            This game is over, the Central Powers win. Sorry Soundwave, you didn't get to do much as Italy.

                            However, I have been inspired to upgrade the single player version of the scenario. But if you want to do another PBEM game of this scenario, I'd be up for it again. I would need to make a few fixes though, such as giving machine gun's an attack value, change recon plane values, and some other minor tweaks. Wouldn't take too long if people were interested.
                            Re-elect Bush!


                            • Yea Sure this Time, make it HARD to get thru the trenches, did what i did to your scen on offence, but i made the movement lie 6 to get over it and 0 defence... hehehe slaughter!!!

                              Well i thought being world war one.... it suits??

                              But next time i wanna be The Allies or Italy (again)

                              BTW- Russia needs alot more conscripts... like 10 a turn LOL!

                              And everyone should get a machine gun, not the Germans and Allies getting 20 and Russia None
                              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                              • I'll play Germany again in a modified version.

                                MC, you might consider having the Russians gain a pair of conscripts for each division killed until, say, 1916 or so. They can be created in the rear in Petrograd and Moscow, thus forcing them to be moved forward to the front to represent Russian logistical slowness despite their huge military size.

