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Second Reich PBEM?

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  • Second Reich PBEM?

    I started this on Civfanatics since Apolyton was down, but I'm moving it back here. So is anyone else interested in a Second Reich PBEM game *cough* MJ *cough* Any are welcome to join!

    Allies - The ANZAC (
    Germans - Scott F (
    Austro-Hungarians - El Awrence (
    Bolsheviks - Not Playable (Maybe when the Revolution hits, someone would play?)
    Neutrals - Not Playable
    Italians - Soundwave (
    Russians - Magyar Crusader (
    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game

  • #2
    Whos eyes of night, i'm soundwave, always will always have, i just hate posting in civfantics coz you get some weird responses!!

    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


    • #3
      oh by the way, anzac i'm sean richards, so you might wanna change it??
      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


      • #4


        • #5

          Great to see you joined Scott! Now we just need 2-3 more players and we're set! Anyone else want to step up to the plate?
          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


          • #6
            Austria-Hungary for me @


            • #7
              For the love of God why didn't anybody email me?!?!?!

              Since my beloved Osztrák-Magyar Birodalom is taken I'll be the Ruskies. At least this way I can have fun getting kicked by the good guys. (El Awrence if you let me beat you I'm gonna personally kick yer ass!)

              email= lets start ASAP please.
              Re-elect Bush!


              • #8
                i almost forgot

                The ANZAC,

                please send me all the files (except units I already got that) you upgraded for the scenario, like the terrain and cities exc... Thanks.
                Re-elect Bush!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                  For the love of God why didn't anybody email me?!?!?!

                  Since my beloved Osztrák-Magyar Birodalom is taken I'll be the Ruskies. At least this way I can have fun getting kicked by the good guys. (El Awrence if you let me beat you I'm gonna personally kick yer ass!)

                  email= lets start ASAP please.
                  Look at it this way MJ. If you were A-H AND lost, it would be very bad. Now if you win, it's your superior playing skills. If you lose, it's because of the inherent superiority of the Austrowhatchamadoodles.

                  Ladies and gentlemen, please place your bets.
                  Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                  • #10
                    Thats exactly right Techumseh! Except that if I were the good guys losing wouldn't be a possibilty but a fairy tale!
                    Re-elect Bush!


                    • #11
                      We'll see if MJ can stand up to the challenge! Here is the original game:
                      Attached Files
                      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                      • #12
                        And here is my update's view:
                        Attached Files
                        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                        • #13
                          And finally: the update zip! I also made a batch file so extract everything to your main directory. i will post the save tomorrow: too tired to think!
                          Attached Files
                          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                          • #14
                            *Russians come charging into A-H*

                            *cowardly AustroHungarian troops run from the front in urgent need for a change of pants*

                            And no saying they were surely serbs or croats either!


                            • #15
                              GOD DAMN IT,

                              can someone send me the update it shows it as a attachment on my comp and i cant use it!!!! Can someone send it via e-mail???

                              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave

