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Second Reich PBEM?

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  • #91
    In the single player version, the fall of Paris signals a Central Power victory. But for multiplayer I think we should do this. We'll cycle around back to Anzac and see if he can liberate Paris. If he can then we'll keep going, until a full turn passes with Paris in German hands.

    So go ahead soundwave.
    Re-elect Bush!


    • #92
      Just replace him i'm sick of this!!! I want a game and finish it b4 i'm 40!!
      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


      • #93
        Originally posted by Soundwave
        Just replace him i'm sick of this!!! I want a game and finish it b4 i'm 40!!
        It's not my go! Actually, it's your turn, Soundwave. Also, I'll continue. I think I can make a rebound back. How much can he pillage in one turn?

        Scott: Have you set the attack of MGs to 1? This is so German Divisions don't have an unfair advantage.
        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


        • #94
          I haven't changed the machine guns since I first installed the files. I wasn't aware that I was supposed to. Next thing you know, we'll all be playing with different sets of files.

          And what about Italy? I think that with France smashed the Italians should be left out of the war (or join the Central Powers; Soundwave's choice) for at least a year.


          • #95
            Italy doesn't matter right now, because if Paris cannot be liberated then the game is over, but if it's liberated we continue as normal. So they aren't going to join the Central Powers.

            Re-elect Bush!


            • #96
              The Italians will never join the war fighting for a side that has suffered such a crushing defeat. They'll either be bribed by the Germans or (infinitely more likely) not enter the war at all.


              • #97
                The Italians were the opportunistic in WWI, the only reason they joined was promise of land if the Entente beat the Germans. But here, the French have had another Sedan, only 1000 times more crushing as a defeat and have lost most of their army. The Entente is in no position to promise Italy anything if they win, as I doubt they have any great confidence in doing so. As it is, the Triple Alliance could offer Italy Savoy and Nice and the lands that the Italians gave France in exchange for support in teh unification wars and the Italians would more eagerly join Germany.

                But in my opinion they wouldn't go either way now. They're too scared of Germany to go against her in any case.


                • #98
                  Another broing itlain turn, lol yea i'll stay neutral
                  "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                  • #99
                    Sorry i'm half asleep and still half drunk, i'm ok!
                    Attached Files
                    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                    • Something screwy happened. 90% of my cities started this turn building silos... and I know that when I ended last turn I wasn't building any silos at all. That means I pretty much lost all my reinforcements for this turn. I guess it doesn't really make a difference at this point. So... I abdicate. It's now Anzac's turn.
                      Re-elect Bush!


                      • Wait so Russia just capitulated?? How am I to repulse the Germans now? Oh boy, got a lot of turns to play tomorrow (Look at all the PBEMs)
                        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                        • Damn... poor little Italy ****E!!!
                          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                          • Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                            Something screwy happened. 90% of my cities started this turn building silos... and I know that when I ended last turn I wasn't building any silos at all.
                            Ahhh yes. This goddamn bug rears its ugly head again. We really do need to figure out why this happens, as someone always gets screwed out of a turn in almost every PBEM. Magyar, did you have any of your cities captured last turn? It seems that this is the key to having the AI switch your production to Aquaducts Granaries and the like (always useless ones no doubt) even if you properly use Cntrl-N. Another case to be added to the files Xin...



                            • Yes, I lost several cities last turn. However, this is the first time I've encountered the problem, but for the past couple of turns I've been losing Polish cities. It really stinks, since I rush built raw materials (mfg plant) in several key cities, like Bucharest and Rostov, and then the AI switches it to a silo. And then all my other cities that should have franked out about 30 more Russian conscripts last turn are sitting idle. How am I supposed to stop my genetically superior enemies (j/k) from overrunnig me when I have an AI acting like a turncoat! Oh well.
                              Re-elect Bush!


                              • France Liberated!!!!!!!!!

                                By a surprising feat, the Allies have managed to liberate all of France, including Paris and Amiens, that were taken last month. The Allied General Staff is enthusiastic, but admits that the war has been costly, too costly.

                                They would like to sign a peace agreement with the Germans keeping the status quo and letting Germany keep Belgium.

                                OOC: I'm really beat, I have no real armed forces, so I'm at the mercy of Germany. I can't win now, especially that Russia is out of the war. I think this PBEM is over, because I can't keep the front line.

                                Here's the save in case you want to see the situation. Otherwise, I'm out too because I cannot win or fight for that matter.
                                Attached Files
                                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game

