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Second Reich PBEM?

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  • #76
    Whos go is it and when can it be mine?
    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


    • #77
      I've gone, so now it's back to Scott
      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


      • #78
        Sorry for the delay. Went home for the weekend and had no net access.
        Attached Files


        • #79
          All quiet on the Eastern Front...
          Attached Files


          • #80
            Italians call for War

            Italians support Allied claims of Germany starting the war!

            But the Italians shall stay Neutral for this War
            Attached Files
            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


            • #81
              Stop picking on me just because I'm a ruskie!
              Attached Files
              Re-elect Bush!


              • #82
                One U-Boat was destroyed...

                OOC: I switched the events for the next year. I think it worked, tell me if I'm wrong.
                Attached Files
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #83
                  Berliner Zeitung: Special Edition

                  France Collapses! Paris Falls!

                  German troops, exploiting a breakthrough in the French lines north of Amiens and covered by air superiority, have at last broken the deadlock on the western front. After achieving the breakthrough in the front lines, German troops advanced rapidly. Amiens fell first. With the fall of Amiens, German forces had open access to French railway lines. Boarding trains and moving swiftly across the French interior, the German Army fought what the Supreme Command has called "the railway war." Within a matter of days, German troops, carried by railway cars, moved across the whole of France, completely unopposed due to the shock and chaos created by their initial attacks. Paris, the sole point of resistance in all of France, fell after a pitched battle of only a few hours. The French government is believed to have fled south to Marseilles, one of the few enclaves not now in German hands. It is estimated that over forty allied divisions have deserted alone due to the fall of their homelands.

                  The Kaiser, after visiting Paris and touring the sights, returned to Germany to adulation in Berlin. Not even the great victories of Wilhelm the Great, the elder Field Marshal Moltke, and the Iron Chancellor in 1870 and 1871 can compare to the great achievement of German troops. With Christmas at hand, the war is now effectively over. France has been pillaged and looted of all valuables to further the German war effort in the east.

                  In the east, German triumphs are also impressive, with both Warsaw and Vilnius having fallen to brave German forces. These victories, orchestrated by the towering trio of Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, General Erich Ludendorff, and Colonel Max Hoffmann, were sadly overshadowed by the victories in the western campaign. With Warsaw having fallen, Poland is expected to collapse in the coming months. Resupply and reinforcement is unlikely due to the fall of the strategic transportation center of Vilnius.
                  Attached Files


                  • #84
                    Allies Crippled, Franz Joseph hold Reception

                    The collapse of France to the hands of Germany has been the wild talk in the coffee houses across the Empire, with many praising the German leadership for this lightning attack never before witnessed by any army and the most brilliant military action for many centuries to come.

                    The rapid collapse of France, an industrial and potent nation, has boosted morale across the Austro-Hungarian Empire who's main enemy is Russia and it is expected that the backwards feudal nation should fall in no time to the joint effort of Austrians and Hungarians, each fighting to counter the oppression of the Russian tsar.

                    Germanism shall triumph as it is destined and written!

                    On December 24th a toast was celebrated in the Royal Palace in Vienna in honour of Kaiser Wilhelm I for the upholding of his promise for indeed, this war mostly over by Christmas and only the battered remnants of Russia remain to sue for peace.


                    • #85
                      And, in his orgasmic happiness, the Kaiser forgot to attach the save.
                      Attached Files


                      • #86

                        Nice going Kraiser!
                        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                        • #87
                          Holy crap! Congratulations to your victories, the way history should have been. Damn Scott you're killer! Did you build a railroad across the trench under the cover of a recon plane? If not, please tell me how you did it!

                          On a minor side note, the Russian revolution hits 3 years earlier than expected. The Russian armies abandon Poland and a good chunk of the Ukraine to Germany and unrest forces the Czar to abdicate. Lenin returns and a civil war breaks out. The Bolshevicks get horribly slaughtered.
                          Re-elect Bush!


                          • #88
                            Hmm. Well, somehow you found out my defenses were weak just north Amiens and you exloited it. Don't expect your luck to last long. I still have an ace up my sleeve.
                            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                            • #89
                              Are we contuing? If so, lets go!
                              Re-elect Bush!


                              • #90
                                No, I didn't use recon planes to cover building a railway. I attacked a weak point in the line and used a recon plane to get past the zone of control restrictions. I then attacked Amiens, capturing it (that was the original goal of the operation). Then I realized that The ANZAC didn't have any infantry at all in nearly all of France's cities. I sent a cavalry unit out, took all of the cities with a single unit, sold improvements for plunder, and attacked and took Paris. Along the way I stumbled upon the allied engineer/settler units and killed two of them.

                                Now, I don't know how you define victory in this scenario. If the fall of Paris is meant to end the war, then the Allies have lost and the war is effectively over. If the fall of Paris and most of France isn't meant to end the war, then we can go on. It's up to the rest of you. I'm certain that The Anzac can make a go of it, but he's lost a huge number of units in a single turn, along with most of France's productive capacity. That leaves Russia to bear the brunt of the Austro-German forces for quite some time. And in Russia's current position...

                                It also means, if we want to be picky, that the Italians would never realistically enter the war on the side of the smashed Allies (so we may want to rewrite that part of the events file so that they either opportunistically join the Germans or stay out for at least another year).

