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30 Years War PBEM

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  • #46
    Letter from Marquee SunTzu de Lux

    Letter from Marquee SunTzu de Lux to the Leaders of all nations
    The Kingdom of France declares that swedish claims to lands in Poland are righteous and France applauds Sweden for taking her God given land.
    France will protect her Ally of any outside nations to attack Sweden on behalf of Poland.


    • #47
      Wishes of good fortune...

      Denmark is willing to moderate any talks between Poland and Sweden to end this horrific bloodshed. Copenhagen will open its doors to these two leaders, and I have sent a ship to Arensburg for the purpose of retreiving our finest exotic flora from Estonia. Hopefully, this dispute can be settled by the light of our pipes, rather then the fire of your cannons.

      Hopefully yours,

      Christian IV
      Attached Files


      • #48
        My ISP is dead, but I'll put the save on a disk and take it home. Might take a couple of days before I repost it.


        • #49
          Across the great protestant nation, great public works have been completed. Fortifications accross the nation have sprung up and in the Netherlands a rich cultural life is intensifying with the construction of new theatres and trade is being aided with the construction of new banks.

          In other news, the Swedish have broken their alliance and ties with the Protestants after the Protestant nation so bravely and couragously battled their Polish enemy after diplomatic tension thinned down into war with the Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania. Due to Polish commitment in the Finnish Campaign great battles are not envisioned and the Protestant kingdoms have sworn that due to the treachery of the Swedes that the Protestant kingdoms shall not attack Poland-Lithuania so that they may concentrate their forces in the north. Alas, some Polish musketeers ventured too close to the fortresses of Berlin and a regiment of Dragoons sortied from the city to meet them on the field of battle and after a short skirmish the polish musketeers were cut down bu the Protestants.

          Meanwhile, the Protestant fleet is being mobilised and has departed from its ports in the Netherlands with an unknown destination.


          • #50
            The Sea turns red by the flag of Denmark...

            Originally posted by El Awrence
            Meanwhile, the Protestant fleet is being mobilised and has departed from its ports in the Netherlands with an unknown destination.
            When Christian IV got word of the sallying of the Dutch Fleet, with their obvious destination... he sent a courrier to the Nederlands to find out the Protestant intentions. When he heard no reply from his messanger, he was forced to issue this declaration of the Danish position.

            The Jylland Decree of 1619

            To All Nations Of Europe,

            The Wise and Mighty Monarch of the Danes and Norwegians, Duke of Holstein, Lord of the Oldenburg House, the Great King Christian IV, has put forth a Royal Danish Decree regarding the use of Naval Vessels in her homewaters.

            This Royal Decree is to reaffirm the Danish ownership of the Seas of Skagerrak, Kattegat, Bornholmsgat, and the eastmost points of the North Sea. These waters naturally belong to the Kingdom of Denmark, and she now will excercise this. However, the Danes are open to discussion to all. If nations do desire passage, they are to send a courier to Christian IV prior to the arrival of their Fleet. Tolls will then be leveed per ship with special regard to ships with cargo. Nations may then make payments directly to Christian IV in København at the Sea of Øresund. This is the only way that nations may bring Ships of the Line through these waters, with permission of the Danish King.

            Bringing an unarmed Merchantship, loaded or unloaded, through these waters will get you surrounded and you will sternly be asked to leave. Bring a Warship through, regardless of cargo and no questions will be asked. Your Vessel will be sunk. There is no negotiation of this decree. With our capital being exposed to enemy fleets, this is a measure the Danes must take for our own protection in these times of continuous warfare across Europe. Our shipyards have also been given the orders to prepare for the construction of new Advanced Warships to refit the Grand Royal Fleet of Denmark. These measures are merely precautionary, and due soley to the declarations of suspect nations.

            May Peace prevail in our Times...

            -Christian IV.

            Included is a map of the areas covered in the decree:
            Attached Files


            • #51
              Messege from Marquee SunTzu de Lux

              Here ye here ye, and message from his sire Marquee SunTzu de Lux of Avignon.

              Hello fellow leaders, i'm writing you all to declare that i am readying the Holy Army of France for a new Crusade against agressors of the newly formed Lund Pact.
              So this is a stern warning to the undeclared Protestant Nation that if she attacks us or our allies, Denmark and Sweden, she will feel the wrath of our Holy Armies!


              • #52
                *EL BUMPO*

                Who has the game
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • #53
                  I sent it to Spain hmmmm 4 days ago i believe


                  • #54
                    Just got the game:

                    After long negotiations a treaty betwen Poland-Lituania and sweden was negotiated.
                    As of the treaty the city of Riga will be turned over to Sweden.
                    A minor sum of reparation will be sent to poland-lituania for during the comming years.
                    Attached Files
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #55
                      Due to the Jylland decree we have also found it wise to make the Lund Pact official:
                      Attached Files
                      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                      • #56
                        And here is the save:

                        Not much was done during the last month, I have carried on with the creation of administration as well as prepared for the Swedish takeover of Riga...

                        Rikskansler Oxenstierna
                        Attached Files
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • #57
                          The reason that the game hasnt been moving on is:

                          Morten/Hardjoy is ill , he told me to that he will post his turn shortly though.
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • #58
                            Emperor Mortenius II is out of bed, and sends a stark warning to the forces at his courts busy to take command and make arrangements to their personal advantage, at the cost and health of the nation, while he's been away. The legend hears it, that the moment he flew out of bed from a strong cough, he jumped a horse and galloped away swinging his sabre and trumpeting like a madman towards the city of Heidelberg, shouting towards passerby's "BEHAIL! BEHIND THESE WALLS AWAITS GLORY! FOLLLOW MEEEEE!"

                            There was a rise of expectation, a sudden breeze of wind, as people shouting with joy, spontanously left their fields to join the king in his one man siege of this glorious city. And when the cannons roared, a scream of thunder rose from the crowd, and women were seen using their newborn babies as weapons. Thus the city of Heidelberg fell to the victorious army of the Imperium. And a thousand Nymph Angels flew down from heaven, and carried the king over the city walls, to be reinstated as sovereign of these parts, once again.
                            The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                            Kaplak Stream


                            • #59

                              Christian IV regrets to inform the rulers of Europe of just what happens when you violate his word...

                              In this month, May of 1619, a Warship flying the colours of Poland-Lithuania was spotted in the sea of Bornholmsgat. This is a direct violation of the Jylland Decree of 1619.

                              Originally posted in the Jylland Decree of 1619
                              Bring a Warship through, regardless of cargo and no questions will be asked. Your Vessel will be sunk. There is no negotiation of this decree.

                              This has been proclaimed, and Poland-Lithuania had a turn to move it's vessels from the waters in question. This was not done, and no contact was made with an offer of paying for passage.

                              The Polish-Lithuanian vessel was promptly sunk by the Grand Royal Fleet of Denmark.

                              Attempts were made in full to secure the safety of those Polish-Lithuanian sailors who survived the battle. They are currently being held at Bornholm prison.

                              Denmark does not wish to War with either Poland nor Lithuania, and we have had codial relations in the past. These recent events are of great concern.

                              A state of War exisits only because it was necesary for the attack to take place. Attempts to reach the Polish-Lithuanian king via in-game ambassador proved futile. We wish to mend the relations between these two great nations. This is why we shall also be issuing a warning regarding other Polish-Lithuanian vessels that are alarmingly close to Danish possesions not covered in the Jylland Decree. We would not like to see this tragic event happen again, and we shall cooperate with the Polish-Lithuanians to regain a trustworthy relationship.

                              This was not an easy decision for the King of Denmark. The taking of lives is never easy...

                              -Chriatian IV
                              Attached Files


                              • #60
                                Big Brother Denmark is watching...

                                And let it be known that after the recent events in the Sea of Bornholmsgat, these vessels now are of great concern to the kingdom of Denmark. Explain their presence!!!
                                Attached Files

