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30 Years War PBEM

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  • #31

    The way to check people's emails is via the button just to the right of the PM button at the top of posts. It has a figure standing next to an envelope I believe.

    either way...



    • #32
      Here is a nice tasty .gif version...

      On behalf of all playing...Thanks a million Grothgar!

      edited to show better map with all borders filled in!

      And thanks again for this new, better version of the map!

      Attached Files


      • #33
        and a zipped version of the .gif for DL


        edited to use the better map...
        Attached Files


        • #34
          ahh your welcome. making me all glowy now but it was nothing just 5 hours of hard work i must admit it does look great in gif form no smudging at the edges like what happens will jpegs. i really need a better paint program.
          i'll finnish the borders later tonight. in fact ill get onto it now. it doesnt take as long once you get into the swing of things. so you might have to post again FMK.
          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


          • #35
            to all players:

            A round of applause please for Mr. Grothgar, as he has proven to be very very helpful indeed!

            *Hazzah, Hazzah, Hazzah!!!*



            • #36
              Re: to all players:

              Very nice map, good work


              • #37

                Good one, mate! Ta!
                "Hon äro ful som Fan oc hafwa en Djäfwulsckt stor Käft." (The young King Carl XII of Sweden explains why he's not willing to marry a Princess of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1697.)


                • #38
                  No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                  • #39
                    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                    Kaplak Stream


                    • #40
                      Erm... do we have any rules of diplomacy in this game?

                      I'm a bit rusty on this game, so I have a few concerned questions:
                      -Are government change allowed?
                      -Are tech by conquest possible?
                      -Can jesuits steal techs?

                      I can see that we, Mortenius II, who has recently inherited the throne of the Empire, are allied with Spain, and we heartily welcome this alliance and wish that our joined efforts will help reunite the German Nation.

                      However, we feel very strongly against the unrightful protestant and nordic intrusions into the realm of our lands. If the protestants do not retreat and oblige to our demands of complete sovereignty, we will have no choice but to issue a declaration of war, effective by this date.

                      Game sent on.
                      The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                      Kaplak Stream


                      • #41
                        Hark, the Danes have arrived!

                        In the month of April of 1619, I must decree that the Danes have moved!

                        Christian wishes that these battles in the fields of all our lands to cease! Life is too precious than to be thrown to the lions as if in some kind of Gladiator's arena. Denmark does not want to war with any nation, and would like to see to it that the Kings and Rulers of Europe hear this.

                        Peace in our lands, Peace in our times!

                        Scrolls of Time have been passed via courrier to Poland. We shall leave a manuscript here as well...
                        Attached Files


                        • #42
                          Oh we also have a Med map too...

                          Grothgar, I was trying to put the two maps together but they are off kilter to one another. If I paste them together, you feel like making some small adjustments on them?

                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            Dont worry just did it for you. you should get the full map by email soon. i dont know why im puting this becaue you will know anyway but hey its an extra post
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • #44
                              La Grande Carte...

                              And finally, the big boy.

                              [Edited to post new map, with a few changes to it.]

                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                TREASON and MURDER most FOUL


                                His Majesty Sigismund III, by the Grace of the Lord High King of Poland and rightful Heir to the Wasa Throne of Sweden , Grand Duke of Lithuania and rightful Grand Duke of Finland , Duke of the Ukraine, also Lord of Courland and Livonia,

                                have been reached by News of the fall of the Imperial City of Olomouc to the Bohemian Calvinists. We wish to declare Our Sympathy with the Holy Roman Emperor in these hard times for his land.

                                However, other Matters have concerned Us more the last Month. We must inform Ye all that Our peaceful Nation last Month unrightfully was invaded by the forces of the Heretic Scoundrel, Our Cousin Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Södermanland.

                                The defenceless and peaceful Livonian Cities of Dorpat and Ermes were overrun by the forces of Gustaf Adolf, the treacherous, murderous Menace of the North.
                                However, the Duke's Armies were checked in their attack on Riga,
                                causing severe losses to the invading Aggressor.

                                One of the pathetic Casus Belli the Duke of Södermanland presented, was the Polish reconstruction of the Road System in Livonia. As any Man of Honour on a European Throne would know, a Nation is entitled to redirect and construct Roads within its own Borders - without asking its Neighbours for Permission.

                                Our Nation posed no Threat to the Swedish Possessions, nay, We even let the Cities bordering to Swedish Estonia be thinly garrisoned to let the Swedes understand they had nothing to fear from Our Nation.

                                We, High King Sigismund III, are confident that the People of Sweden understood this. However, they were misled by the Usurper and Warmonger Gustaf Adolf.

                                Even more to the Surprise of both Us and the Council of the Sejm were the News of the Declaration of War from the so-called "Wise" King Friedrich V of the Protestants, only Weeks after Our Friendly and Brotherly Visit to the Protestant Court with mutual Promises of Eternal Peace and Cooperation between our two Civilized Nations.
                                Our Brother Friedrich V has committed a Treason most Foul.
                                A Man without Honour is no Man, as any civilized Being knows...

                                The Treason in the North forced Us to redeploy Our forces victoriously fighting the Ottomans, to the northern Theatre. This led to a most tragic Ottoman counteroffensive, in which the Garrison of the Ukrainean City of Balta was defeated. It is feared that the City will fall to the Heathen Hordes next Month.
                                However, on the western Front of the Ottoman attack, were the most forces were deployed, Our mighty forces won yet another major Victory over the Infidels.

                                This Month, We personally led Our Brave and Victorious Army in a counteroffensive against the Duke of Södermanland and his lot:

                                A Light Cannon Regiment was crushed by naval bombardment, thus routing the Swedish Forces besieging Riga.

                                Following this collapse of Swedish Morale, We led the Army of the Rzeczpospolita of Poland-Lithuania in an offensive into Our enemy-held Province of Livonia.

                                The strong Swedish Garrison in the Town of Ermes was taken by storm, and entirely wiped out. The Swedish losses are estimated to be two Swedish Pikeman Regiments, one Light Cannon Regiment and four Regiments of Swedish Musketeers.

                                After the glorious Victory in the battle of Ermes, the Town was burned to the Ground in order to deny the Swedes vital Supplies. This happened after initiative from the Townsfolk, after which the brave Ermesians were evacuated to the mighty City of Riga.

                                We swear by the Name of the Heavenly Lord never to forget their Sacrifice to the Cause of the Independency of Our Realm.

                                By the Grace of the Lord, Our Royal Fleet thereafter won an unexpected and glorious Victory in the Gulf of Riga, sinking the Pride of the Swedish Navy, an Advanced Warship.

                                We will leave the treacherous Swedish Duke to bleed.

                                Pro Jure Et Popolo

                                Sigismundus Rex

                                (Scrolls of Wisdom passed on to the Protestants )
                                "Hon äro ful som Fan oc hafwa en Djäfwulsckt stor Käft." (The young King Carl XII of Sweden explains why he's not willing to marry a Princess of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1697.)

