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Pollutional heresies of Heresson.

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  • Pollutional heresies of Heresson.

    I have an idea that I'm using in the medieval scenario I'm working on.
    The pollution is heresy; You can fight it with monastic shools/madrasas.
    A pollution icon is a small church; "clean up pollution"=Kill/persecute
    heretics The global warming is the wrath of God. (for not fighting
    the heresy enough) My first problem is that You can't rename "clean up
    pollution" order in the menu. Others yes, but this one- no ;( But that
    I asked You about earlier. My new problem is Nuclear plant. I was never
    uilding it in the game, so I don't know much about it. Anyway, it is
    an Armenian/Jewish colony in my game (Both Armenians and Jews were good
    workers); if the city falls into disorder, obviously some religious
    riots will appear (No-one liked Jews and Armenians); Heretics/Jews
    flee the city (that's why it looses some of its populatin), and hide
    in nearby terrains (that's why "heretics" spot appears there) the
    colony is dissolved (that's why it is destroyed) My problem is that
    hell I can't build Nuclear Plant somehow. NP becomes obsolete as long
    as I remember, but I don't recall which technology triggers it. Fusion?
    Or was it some tech that -except for the prerequisites- had to be gained
    before it could be built? I just don't know...
    Would somebody be so kind and explain me everything about Nuclear Plant?
    "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
    I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
    Middle East!

  • #2
    From memory, the fusion power tech eliminates the chance of nuclear meltdowns
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #3
      Thanks for help, but I know that.
      "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
      I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
      Middle East!


      • #4
        Bear in mind that factories are needed to build power plants of all kinds. Sounds simple, but it's easily missed.

        Also, power plants (at least the nuclear ones) have utterly no impact on a city's production unless a factory is already present. Thus, without factories you cannot build the Jewish/Armenian enclaves in your scenario, but if cities start with them, there will be no additional production bonus from them without the presence of a factory improvement.


        • #5
          Re: Pollutional heresies of Heresson.

          Originally posted by Heresson
          My first problem is that You can't rename "clean up
          pollution" order in the menu.
          It can be changed. Alter it in the MENU.TXT file and copy the file to the civ2 main directory.

          Would somebody be so kind and explain me everything about Nuclear Plant?
          They do not blow up, so don't plan your scenario arround it.

          The only time you can't build a nuclear power plant in a city is if you have a solar plant in that city.


          • #6
            Originally posted by William Keenan
            The only time you can't build a nuclear power plant in a city is if you have a solar plant in that city.
            That´s not quite true. The solar plant is the only plant that CAN go with others. You can only build one of the following in your city: Nuclear Plant, Power Plant, Hydro Plant. In addition, you can build a Solar Plant.

            Another reason you may not be able to build a Nuclear Plant is because you have the Hoover Dam, which counts as a Hydro Plant in every city.

            But what are you after, Maciej? Occasional nuclear meltdowns or a constant flow of pollution? You´ll need to have lots of them to ensure a meltdown, and even then, the scenario players might just decide to sell the damn plant in the first place. To make sure they keep them, the added production should be something they can´t go without, and it shouldn´t have too high of an upkeep cost.
            Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


            • #7
              In Mike Daumen's BoA scen, the "plantations" successfully "revolted" several times.
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              • #8
                Scott F,
                thanks for help. I must admit that though I remembered
                that NP can't be built without factory, I quite forgotten
                about that it doesn't give You any production bonus alone
                You see, I tried it before, I built a factory, put a proper
                prerequisite to the NP (nil) and still nothing!
                You know what turned out? My rules got a bit mixed;
                nil=no and never=nil
                (that's nothing that strange. "Insufficient memory"
                stands in my event editor for "delete", delete for edit,
                and edit for add, somehow.)
                Dumb dumb me. I should have noticed it.
                Than You very much, again

                William Keenan,
                thanks for help too.

                It can be changed. Alter it in the MENU.TXT file and copy the file
                to the civ2 main directory.

                Can I ask scenario=players to do that?

                They do not blow up, so don't plan your scenario arround it.

                But they do!
                Everything works fine. The problem is that the text about
                contamination, it has the icon of Manhattan project attached.
                And in my scn, Manhattan Project is changed to something quite
                unsuitable for such event.

                The solar plant is the only plant that CAN go with others. You can
                only build one of the following in your city: Nuclear Plant, Power
                Plant, Hydro Plant. In addition, you can build a Solar Plant. Another
                reason you may not be able to build a Nuclear Plant is because you
                have the Hoover Dam, which counts as a Hydro Plant in every city.

                Aha. Thanks very much, Jorrit
                I'm not up to anything special. I don't want to cause any catastrophe,
                just to make it possible. There is a tragedy that will happen to the
                players of my scenario anyway; they'll have to read my readme, he he he.

                Once again thanks everyone for their help.
                "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                Middle East!


                • #9
                  Option B

                  If the process of making a Merchant/Armenian-Jewish colony comes to grief, you could create Armenian/Jewish zeolots as Partisans...

