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History experts needed (Narvik Campaign)

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  • #76
    A thousand thank you's Fairline! The three batallion thing, does that apply for regular infantry regiments as well? And is the Allied brigade the same as the German regiment?

    Do you have an Aufklärung (however that looks like) unit under your sleeve, Fairline?

    EDIT: used bicyle units and cavalry for those jobs
    Find my civ2 scenarios here

    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


    • #77
      Sometimes strictly accurate OOB's translate to very a very infantry-heavy mix. One distortion that many have used is to represent infantry with a larger unit (e.g. regiment) and tanks, recce, arty, etc with a smaller one (e.g. battalion). Helps to emphasize combined arms tactics.

      I'll go out on a limb and say most regiments/brigades had 3 bns at this early point in the war. On the other hand, sealift constraints may have reduced the bn count.

      If you don't have a bn level OOB, and can't live without it, I could dig up an ancient bn-level boardgame on the campaign (I didn't really offer that, did I? )
      El Aurens v2 Beta!


      • #78
        Originally posted by Boco
        If you don't have a bn level OOB, and can't live without it, I could dig up an ancient bn-level boardgame on the campaign (I didn't really offer that, did I? )
        I think you did!

        @Case (or anyone else for that matter): Would you mind telling me a bit more on those goto events? Are there any guides made on that issue?
        Find my civ2 scenarios here

        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


        • #79
          Originally posted by Kobra
          Do you have an Aufklärung (however that looks like) unit under your sleeve, Fairline?

          EDIT: used bicyle units and cavalry for those jobs
          Aufklarung = recce unit. In a 1940 Mountain Division these were bicycle units with 1 squadron of horses as you say.

          If you want to go to town on the other divisional units, then use the following:

          Panzerabwehr Bn: 37mm Pak 36 + 20mm AT guns (I have a unit for the former in my CDG forum)

          Mountain Arty Regt: 3 Bns of 105mm guns + 1 Bn 150mm

          Each infantry Bn had a heavy company with 80mm mortars and 75mm field guns

          It's worth noting that the British infantry brigades were sent without their parent 49th Division's organic artillery and AT component, which can't have helped them much!


          • #80
            Thanks for the input!

            I have placed all land forces for Norway and Germany, as well as sea units for Britain and Germany, and are now moving over to placing air units. My only problem is that I don't know how I should interpret this OOB of the Luftwaffe. To make it as accurate as possible, like I did with the land and sea forces, how should I represent the Luftwaffe?

            My main source for OOBs:

            (I am using He-111, Me-109, Me-110, Ju-87, Ju-52 (air transport) and the Fallschirmjäger for the Luftwaffe).
            Find my civ2 scenarios here

            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


            • #81
              The work has gone to a halt due to this . Some pointers would be very much apreciated.
              Find my civ2 scenarios here

              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


              • #82
                Jim Panse was a doll and helped me out!
                Find my civ2 scenarios here

                Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                • #83
                  I guess Jim Panse has explained this already then, but just in case:

                  a Staffel was equivalent to an RAF Squadron = c. 12 aircraft

                  3 Staffels (I,II + III) + HQ = Geschwader equivalent to an RAF Wing.

                  JG = Jagdgeschwader or fighter wing - Me109s at this time
                  ZG = Zerstorergeschwader (destroyer wing) - Me110s
                  KG = Kampfgeschwader (bomber wing) - Do17/He111/Ju88
                  StG = Stukageschwader (I'll let you figure that one out )

                  You could make 1 Staffel = 1 Civ unit in the OOB you have linked to. By the looks of it, there were 15 bomber Staffels and 3 Stuka Staffels earmarked for the campaign together with 4 ZG and 1 JG staffels of fighters.


                  • #84
                    Germany had the coolest words to describe their military organisations!

                    'Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht' and 'Reichsfahrtministerium' spring to mind!


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by fairline
                      I guess Jim Panse has explained this already then, but just in

                      You could make 1 Staffel = 1 Civ unit in the OOB you have linked to. By the looks of it, there were 15 bomber Staffels and 3 Stuka Staffels earmarked for the campaign together with 4 ZG and 1 JG staffels of fighters.
                      He sure did!

                      According to his estimates I should have 7 Me-110s, 3 Me-109s, 15 HE-111s, 2 Ju-87s and 28 Ju-52s .

                      Doesn't that sound about right when 1 civ unit is 1 Staffel?

                      Originally posted by curtsibling
                      Germany had the coolest words to describe their military organisations!

                      'Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht' and 'Reichsfahrtministerium' spring to mind!
                      Ja, Deutsch ist eine Spaß sprache!
                      Find my civ2 scenarios here

                      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                      • #86
                        yes, we have a lot of these nice words:

                        "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht"
                        Armed Forces High Command

                        "Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine"
                        Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine

                        (Admirals Raeder and Dönitz)

                        "Reichsluftfahrtministerium" was Görings state aviation ministry

                        but the best is
                        "Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillianten"
                        Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oakleaves, Swords and Diamonds


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by curtsibling
                          Germany had the coolest words to describe their military organisations!

                          'Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht' and 'Reichsfahrtministerium' spring to mind!
                          I guess 'cool' depends on whether you were in the Wehrmacht or on the receiving end of their Blitzkreig. Personally, 3rd Reich militarism and military jargon gives me the creeps

                          'Minister of Reich farting' sounds like a cool job description, though


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Kobra
                            According to his estimates I should have 7 Me-110s, 3 Me-109s, 15 HE-111s, 2 Ju-87s and 28 Ju-52s .

                            Doesn't that sound about right when 1 civ unit is 1 Staffel?
                            Not by my reckoning:

                            The OOB you linked to lists the following:

                            I/ZG 76 + I,II,III ZG 1 = 4 Staffels of Me110

                            II/JG 77 = 1 Staffel of Me109

                            I,II,III/KG 26 + I,II,III/KG 4 + I,II,III/KG 30 + KGr.100/KG 26 + KG40 = 15(?) Staffels of He111 (and Do17/Ju88?)

                            I/St.G 1 +(II,III/ St.G 1 ready to assist?) = 1 (+ 2?) Staffels of Stukas

                            I make that 4 Me110s, 1 Me109, 15 bombers, 3 (?) Stukas


                            • #89
                              BTW, I have ignored the Stabs element of each Geschwader, which IIRC was the same size as a Staffel and therefore adds another Staffel to every 3 listed...... However, the OOB does not make it clear if the Staff 'squadron' for each partial Geschwader listed was present in the campaign, so I guess its best to leave them out.


                              • #90
                                @ Gareth: i supposed the Roman number before the name of the unit to be the Groups which consisted of 4 squads each. Correct me if I am wrong.

