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1st EU2 GC. ravagon runs England.

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  • #16
    A few questions, observations, comments, etc. Please feel free to refute/comment if I'm in error somewhere and bear in mind that I haven't even finished a single GC yet (and am still playing under 1.06 to boot).

    (1) Revolt risk - Number of revolts seems far too high for the apparent risk displayed in my province info?
    A 3% risk per month, in each province, over a dozen or so provinces, should surely give me an expected 1 chance in 3 of a revolt somewhere?
    In such circumstances I wound up almost always getting at least one revolt, sometimes 2-3. It could have been just bad luck but it seemed far too consistent..
    Additionally the number of rebels seemed to be completely independent of the province income and completely dependent on the fortress level. I always ended up with 7000 in a minimal fort zone and 12000 in a small fort zone - ie: enough infantry (with a few extras) to siege the fort plus a few cav/arty.
    Exceptions were my provinces with < 5000 pop which seemed to contain a garrison strength of 2500 in a minimal fort instead of 5000. Revolts here produced only 5000 rebels - again consistent though with a number of infantry just in excess of the no. required to siege the fort.

    (2) Trade Agreements - Don't seem to work too well. I'm fairly sure I've seen my merchants competed away by those with whom I have such agreements and I've definitely had the "A merchant has competed away a merchant from ... " wrt those same nations when my own do the same thing.
    The only thing it seems to effect is whether or not I can send merchants at all - for example if I have 5 in a COT and another nation, with whom I have an agreement, holds a monopoly then I can't send a merchant (ie: the only place for me to compete for would be the monopoly spot). If merchants can be sent then it seems to be a free-for-all.

    (3) Popups - Don't always seem to be too accurate wrt effects - for example - Converting England to Protestantism - popup indicated that I'd only take a -2 stability hit which didn't sound too bad (I won't be making that particular mistake again ) when in reality it was a -2 in addition to the normal (-6?) hit for changing religion. That one hurt.

    (4) Religion - advive needed. Since converting to Protestant I've established a half-dozen or so colonies in North America (good colonies too with furs, etc as trade goods) that also became protestant. Since this point most of my original provinces back in the homeland have gone over to reformed (except for my capital). Is it worth my while converting to reformed?
    ie: Would my colonies (which now produce about 50% of my income) begin converting (albeit gradually) as well?
    I have zero missionaries and an income of about -2 so converting manually isn't an option without major changes in my slider settings.


    • #17
      Hiya Rav! And not to worry....I'm one of the *least* warmongering players I know! If you ever decide you want to experiment with a GC, I'm thinking we could either pick two countries near each other in western Europe or on opponsite ends of Europe and dominate much of the planet jointly! (and in these types of games, I usually focus on economics and fund the wars of my allies anyway, staying safely out of harm's way when possible... )

      As to your observations, I'd say they're mostly dead-on. The rebels really DO seem to have an uncanny knack for always bringing "just enough guys" to the party, regardless of population level, and the 3% revolt risk is bunk, IMO! When it says 3%, I "read" more like 30%, cos that's more in line with the actual number of rebellions I'll be getting.

      The hope is that in the next patch Johan is working on, we'll see fewer (but nastier) rebellions so there's less busy work when stability tanks and war exhaustion settles in.

      Trade agreements - I've not experienced them failing, but admittedly, have not paid terribly close attention most of the time. Keep in mind now that per the latest changes, each trade agreement reduces your trade efficiency by 1%, and so directly hurts the ol' wallet, so they're not nearly as useful as they once were ('bout the only thing they're good for now is avoiding ticking off your allies by competing away their merchants).

      Religion - ANY time you change religion, you're stability will tank. That was considered a rather major deal back in the day, and you'll spend the better part of a decade digging yourself out of it.

      If you have a few provinces that are "straying" (ie - some other religion besides your state religion), that's okay, but know that revolt risk in those provinces will be somewhat higher than in provinces of your state religion. This can be mitigated somewhat by adjusting religious tolerances via the sliders, and dreadfully complicates things if you expand your territory in such a way that you've got 4 or more different religions inside your borders. (lesson here: if you expand, keep your expansions limited to the same religion as your state, and maybe 1-2 others max....if your state religion is protestant, and most of your territories are prot., and you expand into catholic, reformed, orthodox, and sunni territories, there's NO WAY you'll keep them all happy, and you will find yourself dealing with revolts aplenty). The good news is that knowing the positions of your sliders, you can predict where the revolts will occur with a high degree of accuracy, and have troops already on the scene to deal with them as they occur.

      Missionaries - haven't played with them much, but they seem mostly a rich boy tool in any case....very expensive, limited chance of success per try, fairly long duration. In my games so far, I just eat the occassional revolt and spend my money on colonial expansion.

      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


      • #18
        I just started a game as soon as I got trade 1, I had 5 merchants in that CoT on Sumatra (I forget its name) and 3 in Kansai. Some Hindu Indonesian state (I forget its name) vassalized Makassar and got into war with me. They got Makassar to ally with them too. I've been crushing them though; my navy is much stronger and I just annexed Makassar. I've made one colony; I haven't been able to expand it because of money, and even if I had money i couldn't build any more colonies because my army is too small to kill the natives. Right now its around 1430.


        • #19
          Rule Britannia!

          Managed to diplo-annex the accursed Scotts (that spell can go into storage thanks Vel ) in the mid-17th century after I finally got a good monarch.
          Sent them a letter of introduction with HUGE results. Relationship went from -200 to -80 or thereabouts. In the space of the next few months, and a few more letters of introduction (Probably shouldn't go too deeply into why exactly he felt the need to reintroduce himself every month , but, anyway ... ) we had a royal marriage and vassalisation.
          A decade later they agreed to join us in our campaign of world dom.., erm, peaceful coexistence.
          We got the option to take the British flag (*Rule Britannia plays in the background*) and took it (Umm... Now that I think about it, I wasn't supposed to have conquered Ireland by this time was I?), setting forth to form an empire upon which the sun will never set.

          By this time the admiralty's many explorers had revealed many secrets of the oceans and with a large stake in North America and a chain of strategic colony bases around the world we set out to establish a position of dominance in the largely undeveloped Oceania (Needed to find some place to send all of those captured rebel scum, eh what? ).
          (I also wanted to keep an eye on a nation about which I've begun to develop a rather uneasy feeling - some know it in hushed voices as "Brunei" ).

          The effort was only just in time, as, hot on our heels followed the Portugese in a race to dominate the spice trade. [Their great mistake though was an apparent desire to systematically erradicate the invaluable, if aggressive, native populace. I discovered the benefit of doing otherwise upon colonising Davao or Mindanao - the one with a pop of 10k anyway. As soon as the 6th successful colonisation attempt established itself I had a colony of 10.5k people with tax/trade outputs of 40+ immediately. A century's worth of growth at the expense of a couple of failed attempts and native attacks.].

          Building outwards we took Australia (see previous reference to dumping "undesirables" ) and, joy upon joy, a COT popped up in Wolla-something after founding a size-1 colony. This new COT should remain exclusive for some time to come with the majority of the Portugese SE-Asian possessions being little more than trading stations, hence lacking the facilities to sustain extended exploration.
          [Mental note to self: Absolutely always found colonies instead of TP's, unless in dire financial straits].

          Not only did this give a substantial boost to our future financial position but many other nearby British provinces automatically redirected their trade to the new centre. Several hundreds of ducats per year, exclusively and almost instantaneously.
          Not since we had been the first to dominate the new COT in Barbados (rapidly discovered by both Spain and Genoa unfortunately ) had we been in such a position.
          With high spirits the cash abundance was sent home to the king as we again turned our gaze to the mother country and ... ... Europe??!!

          Aaarrghhh. Who took Western Europe and replaced it with Frenchland?

          Is this a joke? Maybe they were all just flying French flags for April fools day and got their calendars stuck on April the 1st?
          [Historians note: This tradition had its beginnings several years earlier when a certain family of 3-fingered, yellow pagan weirdos burned another family of 3-fingered, yellow christian wackos at the stake as a punishment for mocking the pagans new year, which just happened to fall on April the 1st. ]

          The French scribbling "Vive la France" is one thing but when much of Germany and Austria is doing it too it becomes a little ... worrying.
          Lorraine - gone, Bavaria - gone, the Palatinat - gone, Savoy - down to a single province. Things just weren't looking good.
          We weren't too inclined to challenge them on the battlefield either as their standing army had grown to a whopping 250k+ ... even if they were mostly putting down dissent and scrapping with (the very beginnings of an begin to dawn) ... the Austrians. At the end of a rather narrow (and threatened) land corridor that had already been cut off in one place by revolters and in another by the nation of Baden - a French vassal which doesn't appear to grant French passage. (thus was born the seed of a cunning and devious plan ).

          With nothing to lose, and plenty of cash in the bank, we began lending out to those most in need. It just happened, purely circumstantially of course, that first on the list of recipients was Austria. Fancy that.
          Next came ... hmm ... a country I'd never heard of before named, ... Modena? Well I never! It just happened that they too were, coincidentally, at war with France, as Austrian allies.
          Gelre? We can lend them some money I'm sure. Oh? Well would you look at that?! They aren't Austrian allies but they ALSO seem to be at war with France?

          Well, not wanting to appear to favour any particular side, each of these nations was offered a loan of 500-1000D, all at the quite unreasonable rate of 1%.
          Hello? They all suddenly seem to be recruiting? Oh dear. That might not bode well for the French war effort. Not to mention the rising revolt risk and the increasing number of French provinces under siege.

          [Hmmm. There seems to be a maximum no. of smilies you can use in a post. Oh well. +1 ]


          • #20
            What happened next was a true joy to behold. French armies crushed the newly forming Austrians but then lost a MAJOR home province to revolters and pulled most of their forces back home to crush it (note: without making peace!). In returning home they travelled via controlled Austrian territory so as to avoid the rebellious province in their land corridor.

            Mounting a long siege with over 90K men on a large fortress sees November turn into December. Snow! While the inhabitants of the rebellious city made snowmen and had a merry old Xmas the beseiging French forces apparently didn't have quite as good a time of things. Losses mount and more men are thrown in.

            The other rebel-controlled province defects! Forming the nation of Wurzburg and cutting off 2 more French provinces.
            Whoops. Wouldn't you know it, but we, erm, accidentally offered Wurzburg a loan too. (A bit risky this because they're only a single province and, if cut off, would be annexed - but its still worthwhile in our estimation).

            France is now in trouble as they've taken far too long on their major province. RR is up to 2% in their capital and up to 9% in some other provinces!

            Rebels take both of the French provinces cut off by the creation of Wurzburg.

            Rebels take a province in the south with a "mighty" strength fortress!

            Two more provinces defect and reform Britanny! (Britanny gets a loan ).

            The province of Maine defects to England, cutting off French access to Britanny and another (sieged) French province.

            Wurzburg manages to hold off Baden and makes peace. No hope whatsoever for France to reconquer the other two which then reform Bavaria!

            France makes peace with Austria-Modena but they now have no Atlantic or North Sea ports left and are still at war with Brittany and Bavaria, neither of whom they can touch.

            The Palatinat declares independence from France.
            (Hi new peoples. Would you like a loan by any chance? ).

            France finally makes peace and starts to get the RR down but its far too late for their "mighty" fortress province which, along with another, defects to Savoy.

            In the aftermath, France had lost 9 provinces (only one to Britain but one can't really complain about these things ) and retained none of those they'd originally taken off Austria (all were either retaken by the Austrians after they'd been cut off or were relinquished in the peace treaty).

            Oh, and I got all of my money back too. With my 1% interest.

            Having this money stuff is great!


            • #21
              Heh, reading this thread really makes me want to take the time to get into EU2. I bought the game over half a year ago, and played it a tiny bit, but didn't really have the time to get into it... and then, it ended up just sitting on a shelf. The dilemma of too many games to play and not enough time...

              But I'll really have to give this one a serious stint! I imagine it will take quite a few multi-hour sessions to get a feel for the game, but it certainly seems to be worth the effort once one has gotten past the learning cliff.

              ... just need to stop playing Galactic Civilizations and Imperialism 2 so much first :P



              • #22
                Ravagon, seems you're going to a prime example of ad hoc learning by doing. It's always a lot more fun to read the AAR's of people that doesn't seem to have a clue about what they are doing until after they have done it.


                • #23
                  It looks like you've had a great time reavgon! But, you didn't know that loan-sharking is considered cheating?
                  Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                  Also active on WePlayCiv.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Kropotkin
                    Ravagon, seems you're going to a prime example of ad hoc learning by doing.
                    Heh. Actually I picked up most of it over the past couple of years through reading the Paradox forums. At least in theory. Practice though seems to be another matter.

                    But, you didn't know that loan-sharking is considered cheating?
                    I did know this. In my defense though a 1% profit, even for 3000-odd invested, doesn't really amount to very much.
                    Maybe I should send it as a "personal gift" to the French monarch? It might make up for the 9 provinces and 100k men he just lost. *s*******


                    • #25
                      Loans? Cheating? They never accept mine! Why is it cheating?

                      BTW - That Nippon. Now that will give you a little run. Not for those who lose patience after the third annihilation of the 30-strong army by 5 measly peasants who then cause the government to collapse. Once the 17th century rolls around, you even start thinking that you may survive.

                      So how did it end, Ravagon?
                      II. 193 And fight them until there is no more tumult and oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression.


                      • #26
                        I've not tried Nippon myself, but I've read tips from experienced players over at the official site, saying that if you know how, it's easy.

                        First off, you need to know that the revolts only occours in mainland Nippon, and not anywhere else, so if you have enough land elsewhere, you can easilier controll the revolts. Second, if you do the right choices in the events and play your cards right, the RR will be lower.
                        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                        Also active on WePlayCiv.


                        • #27
                          ¡¡¡León!!! hi

                          the last week I bought EU2

                          what a lovely game!!!!
                          Israel = apartheid


                          • #28
                            How is your game(s) going? I have played a bit with the Chinese, but my PC had to be re-installed today because of some silly mistakes by me...
                            Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                            I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                            Also active on WePlayCiv.


                            • #29
                              Way to go Rav!

                              As to France....I think I found a solution to the pesky French problems....

                              Attached Files
                              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                              • #30

                                Without doubt a far better solution than mine.

