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Anybody who wants to play SimCity 4 MP

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  • #76
    I'd like the region two spots NW of ADG

    But that's a bit far away from everyone else... so if we have difficulty filling the spaces between people I'll settle for another spot, maybe the one north of ADG.
    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

    Do It Ourselves


    • #77
      I'll wait posting a new picture of the region, until we are sure on where everybody lives... I believe it'll be a little bad, if there's so much space between the different players...

      Btw, you're still allowed to change the terrain, as long as you don't change the edges...
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #78
        I want that shore spot to the North East of ADG(across the river)
        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


        • #79
          Well, if nobody fills up the space between me and the other side of the bay, I can take either the area which I marked with the red dot in my previous post, which borders with Eli, or the one to the north of ADG, which would border with Osweld, and Johnny.
          XBox Live: VovanSim
 (login required)
          Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
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          • #80
            Well, there seems to be only a few more players (who might want to join), to join the game... I'll update the map later tonight/tomorow
            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #81
              Unless someone joins within short time, Vovansim has to decide, which spot to take...

              I didn't do the updating, since nobody else has joined, and I'm not sure about Vovansim...

              Btw, one other thing to think about: What should the time turn be? 1 year? 2 years? more? less?

              I'd say 2 years...
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #82
                2 years for the turns would be good.


                • #83
                  WTH? What happened to my spot?


                  • #84
                    I'd say 2-4 years would be good.

                    How will neighbour deals be handled, should we ask/request first, or should we just go ahead and make whatever deals we want, and if the person doesn't want them they can cancel them at the start of their turn?
                    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                    Do It Ourselves


                    • #85
                      I'm not sure about neigbor deals, but I believe the deals will be caceled when importing a city, but lets just say, to be sure, that you'll have to talk with your neigbor, or you have to cacel the deal, when the turn is over...

                      Originally posted by Anun Ik Oba
                      WTH? What happened to my spot?
                      Did you expect to keep your spot, when changing the map?
                      Last edited by Adagio; February 2, 2003, 06:41.
                      This space is empty... or is it?


                      • #86
                        ADG : Can you post an updated map?
                        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                        • #87
                          Ok, I'll do it now, though I don't change Vovansim yet, since I'm not sure where he wants to live
                          This space is empty... or is it?


                          • #88
                            Hmmm... will take a little longer, I can't seem to write (or even copy) 'o' in PSP, so it's impossible to write Jonny/Osweld!?!
                            This space is empty... or is it?


                            • #89
                              This space is empty... or is it?


                              • #90
                                Well, since I found myself out in the boonies, I guess I will change my position, and be the connection between the western and the eastern parts of the Bay Area, and build the Bay Bridge. See the attachment for my choice.

                                Also, somebody needs to take the lot just to my left, or Osweld will find himself all alone, and not connected to anybody. And, BTW, that lot contains the place for the RL Golden Gate bridge.
                                Attached Files
                                XBox Live: VovanSim
                       (login required)
                                Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                                Spore page

