People in my brief version of XC3:Apo directories "59Alien1" and "60Alien2" are missing. If you have the full version of the game please send me these directories (ZIPped/RARed). Thank you forward.
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Help: X-Com3: Apocalypse
Not too bad if you have played XCOM(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
Real time doesn't have a steep lurning curve. All you've got to learn is to not equip your men with explosives (nothing like shooting a brainsucker off your friend's head with a rocket launcher), and then line them up and move them around like a mobile firing squad blasting anything they see.
Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
The game still has a steep learning curve though......because each new enemy is a surprise. Now they can all be dealt with once you have figured out how, but the game is unforgiving in that once you lose a fair few men it starts to go downhill.
Apparently the best tactic in real-time mode was to equip everyone with 2 laser rifles (or sniper rifles or similar, I forget what they are called), and the accuracy penalty from using two weapons is negated by the weapon's own accuracy. Killfest.
Of course in turn-based, this will get you killed as you won't get many shots off before your turn is over. Equiping each person with an MP4000 (and 3 clips) then enables you to run up to an enemy in one turn and unload a massive amount of bullets using only 1 movement point per shot. Yay! Using this weapon in real-time mode, however, would mean your entire ammo supply would be used up within the first 5 seconds.
With either setup, stun graples are a must. It means that you can stop the blue explodey guys before they kill everyone, and the large snake things before they give birth to 4 smaller snake things (which would then kill half your squad immediately).I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
Originally posted by Skanky Burns
Apparently the best tactic in real-time mode was to equip everyone with 2 laser rifles (or sniper rifles or similar, I forget what they are called), and the accuracy penalty from using two weapons is negated by the weapon's own accuracy. Killfest.
Real time? Bah. Turn-based is the only way to go. As long as you figure out how to outwit the brainsuckers, you are safe.
I miss them tank things from UFO though. It's messed up that they don't have them in this one.(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
Not sure to be honest, but many people on an XCom forum I used to post on before its demise swore by this combination. I think they fire both at the same time, and 2 accurate weapons firing at once is better than 1 slightly more accurate weapon firing - you get twice as much firepower.
I can't verify this, however. Turn-based only for me.
Hopefully in the next version of XCom they will bring back tanks, they were sorely missed in Apoc. And the street vehicle tank was no worthy replacement.I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
Hmm.. if I remember correctly, you could hold two weapons, but you could only fire one at a time. I always played in turn-based though, so maybe real-time was different. Ahh, yes, those little brainsuckers... I remember the first time I walked into a room, watched in horror as all of my soliders kept missing this freaky little think scurrying across the floor at them, then finding out what they did a bit too late...
Has anyone heard anyting about Freedom Ridge? It was supposedly a spiritual successor to the X-Com series, but I haven't heard anything about it in a while.
Ah, yes. I picked this game up for £2.99 at HMV. I can see why it was so cheap.
Dreadful graphics, and unbalanced gameplay.
Still, I played it for quite a long time, eventually getting to the alien homeworld. It was there that I finally got bored. I couldn't capture a live alien slime.
I gather that previous X-com games had you defending the entire world? Quite a climbdown to be reduced to one, primary coloured, city.
It took a while before I realised that long range sniping is useless, and getting close to the enemy with a machine gun, and later the poison dart guns is by far the best way to kill them.
It was one of those games where you can get quite attached to your troops, especially real 'veterans'. It's quite sad when they die, especially if it's heroically.
Sometimes a stray shot would cause a whole section of the level to collapse, resulting in my main weapons supplier hating me...
It was fun to go to the Cult of Sirius' headquarters and completely trash the place, stealing all their equipment, planting explosives in their computer rooms and killing their members.
I loved the flying armour suits. They ruled. Smashing into a building on the third floor was brilliant fun.
The multi-purpose guns with the various types of shell (armour piercing, explosive, incendiary) were a good laugh as well.
Dreadful, but I still can play it in Windows 98SE. I would not want real-time though, although I have not tried it with a faster computer. The game still runs at the same rate in the City Scape, because it must use the clock of the computer. It does not run fast, and it still works.
Buy it here for free: (shipping and handling). is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!
I see they have Civ II also there (free) except shipping and handling.
also a forum for X-COM is here: (if I may)
Taken over for Freedom Ridge is UFO:Aftermath
Q3 - 2003 here:
And fansite here: