...of games set to be released this year (Don't even mention Duke Nukem Forever
At the moment I'm only interested in 3 games:
- The addon to Rise of Nations... this sound like it adds some great stuff
- "The Movies"... a game where you own a movie studio... there's been too few games about this topic... though I'm not sure how great it is, since they say it's possible to make trailers to the movies inside the game... I think they might have spent too much time on that part, so it might end up like a buggy game
- The Sims 2... Don't worry, it's not because I want to play it "The Sims" style, but I've got an idea for a forum game, where the graphics from this game might be usefull

At the moment I'm only interested in 3 games:
- The addon to Rise of Nations... this sound like it adds some great stuff
- "The Movies"... a game where you own a movie studio... there's been too few games about this topic... though I'm not sure how great it is, since they say it's possible to make trailers to the movies inside the game... I think they might have spent too much time on that part, so it might end up like a buggy game
- The Sims 2... Don't worry, it's not because I want to play it "The Sims" style, but I've got an idea for a forum game, where the graphics from this game might be usefull