I shall write a code for my modules then to check every time you attack if the off-hand is being used. If so it will disable Finesse, and if not, it will add +50% to the STR bonus of the user. Should be quite easy, although it will have to be done via workaround, as you can't "turn off" a feat.
What I can do is look to see if the char has finesse, compare DEX with the STR score, and give a penalty to hit depending on the difference. (Simulating them using STR instead of DEX)
As for the extra STR when using a medium sized weapon with both hands, the game does this automatically with Halflings and Gnomes. They use a Longsword with both hands, for example, and get x1.5 STR bonus when doing so. I just need to fool the engine that the character is a Halfling when using a single handed weapon with the other hand free.
What I can do is look to see if the char has finesse, compare DEX with the STR score, and give a penalty to hit depending on the difference. (Simulating them using STR instead of DEX)
As for the extra STR when using a medium sized weapon with both hands, the game does this automatically with Halflings and Gnomes. They use a Longsword with both hands, for example, and get x1.5 STR bonus when doing so. I just need to fool the engine that the character is a Halfling when using a single handed weapon with the other hand free.