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Sid Meier's next game! YARRRR!

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  • Press 1 and 7 alternatively on the numeric keypad. That should work somewhat. I think space or enter might be involved too.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • I'll try it. Thanks for fast response!
      Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
      I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
      Also active on WePlayCiv.


      • I recall it was enter and the direction of the slash was set due to up down.
        Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


        • In the original pirates it was the left-hand side of the numeric keys that did attacks. My battle in the Pirates2 game I also used those keys to hit the enemy a few times. Unfortunately I had ~70 men and he had ~450...
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


          • Originally posted by Lord Zalzabad
            Name me one game that made the transition from 2d to 3d sucsessfully? You could proberly name about ten or twenty...
            Grand Theft Auto Series
            Super Mario
            Every fighting game (Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc etc)
            Doom (FPSs)
            Every RTS (ex: C&C: Red Alert -> C&C: Generals. Warcraft -> Warcraft III)
            Every RPG (Morrowind, Everquest, Final Fantasy.... the list goes on and on)

            Not only could I name twenty, I could name probably into the hundreds.

            Not to bash you personally or anything. I'm just showing a trend that gives Pirates II! a little hope here.
            "Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"


            • I seem to remember playing a pirate game on my Commodore 64. I can't remember the title but I suppose it could have been Pirates. I think a new version of the game would be great if it was complex enough. Something like a naval version of Total War would be fabulous.
              Hmm, thinking about that. The game I'm hoping someone will develop in the future would be lik Civ3 with batlles played out like Total War. Clicking on a city would bring you to a screen like SimCity. Mmmmm, strategy, tactical battles, detailed city building . . . . . . all in one. Battles for cities would take place on your actual city screen a la the Sierra city building series. This will probably never happen but I can dream . . . .
              Formerly known as Masuro.
              The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


              • Never played, lets hook up a version for XP!


                • Pirates!

                  I loved the Gold edition, it was instable, but a great game nonetheless.


                  • Imo, the Nintendo version (!) was best. Much less cutting across screens (when going from one to another) and much faster. Also, you really didn't need too many keyboard inputs....

                    edit: it won't let me delete? I just realized there were so many pages, apologize if I've repeated someone's comment... it won't let me delete


                    • Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                      In the original pirates it was the left-hand side of the numeric keys that did attacks. My battle in the Pirates2 game I also used those keys to hit the enemy a few times. Unfortunately I had ~70 men and he had ~450...
                      C'mon Skanky - you can win at odds of 1 to 450 in the original (so long as you don't get hit).

                      It made capturing a galleon with a pinnace and 8 men so much fun. It's going to be difficult to recreate that kind of "taking on the odds" factor in 3D - but I'll give Firaxis the benefit of the doubt until I'm proved wrong.
                      Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
                      "The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84


                      • Pirates, I really, really enjoyed.
                        From going to Port and meeting the Govenor's Daughter, to sailing around the Caribbean, and fighting battles with the ships, and drifting along the wrong way with the wind, to trying to get up the Florida Coast to catch the Spanish Galleons loaded up with gold during that certain part of the year, (and usually missing them), and finding buried treasure with a map bought in a bar, to the sword fights in town, to the land battles to trek through the jungles to get there, to take over a town from land.

                        That was the original Pirates on 5 - 1/4 floppy, on an Apple IIC with 128k of memory, and sixteen colors for the 592 x 184 (or something like that) screen resolution.

                        And you know what, do you know what?
                        It was and is still the best game that I ever played.


                        Get the sloop ready to rumble!
                        And get some Spanish Gold, ye Hardys!
                        Smell the salt water, and drift with the winds of the Caribbean!


                        • The sea battles at the city with their fortesses, like Cartegena.

                          All in the day and life of the Bucaneer!

                          Pirates II, I missed.

                          Load up the muskets, thar's a town that needs to be taken down, here.


                          • Ah, well, actually I used a joystick to do the swordfights and play the game, moving the ships and gunning.

                            Still, have that joystick, I think!


                            • You'll learn which technologies are right for your business and will help you increase sales, speed up transactions, reduce labor costs and protect your data.

                              Pirates' Gold

                              Also one of my favorite movies -- Roman Polanski's Pirates with Walter Matheu (sp?) old movie - funny sort of.

                              Whas th' barrel of rum!


                              • Originally posted by Laughing Mind
                                Imo, the Nintendo version (!) was best. Much less cutting across screens (when going from one to another) and much faster. Also, you really didn't need too many keyboard inputs....

                                edit: it won't let me delete? I just realized there were so many pages, apologize if I've repeated someone's comment... it won't let me delete
                                AFAIK, your comment was original. Not only that, but it was interesting as well.

                                C'mon Skanky - you can win at odds of 1 to 450 in the original (so long as you don't get hit).

                                That's the problem, I wasn't playing the original. I didn't even get to pick what sword I was using.
                                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

