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JAC Promisance

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  • #11 has it in for us alright, I was wondering today if its worth disbanding the clan to stop the unlimited attacks? (at least while some of you recover).

    #48 & #54 - do you need anything? units or money?


    • Got this in game message:

      At Mon, 19 May 2003 22:42:22 -0500, a messenger from Clan Deadcactus (#15) brought this to you...
      Does Warrior have any open slots for a new member? I would like to join if you guys do. Hope to hear from you soon.

      Let me know what you think?

      I replied with:

      Im not sure mate, without sounding eliteist our clan is formed from members of a gaming forum. I will discuss it with the other clan members. Not sure that Warrior would be a good place for you to be at the moment we are getting battered every day. By the way our attacks on you are nothing personal, its just the way the game is (dog eat dog) - sorry. I will let you know when ive heard from the other guys. Wish you luck.


      • Babylon (#84)
        Turns 16 (max 500)
        Turns Stored 216 (max 300)
        Rank #21
        Peasants 163,852
        Land Acres 14,687
        Money $764,352,868
        Grains 15,906,962
        Mana 5,430,086
        Networth $5,605,015
        Era Past
        Race Dark Elf
        Health 95%
        Tax Rate 20%
        Footmen 291,052
        Catapults 202,099
        Zeppelins 193,200
        Galleons 158,753
        Wizards 246,946


        • *4 HIT ME FOO! (#46) 26,538 $206,944,000


          we need to take his LAND, storming is having a small effect given the amount of grain he's generating. We need to reduce the land so he has to attack to get the land back. It will be slow but more effective than the max 24 storms a day we could do. 10 land attacks should knock 10000+ from him.



          • 46 just dropped 180,000 networth, I thought he'd bought units but he hasnt (see below) he must be storing all the grain on the Public Market.

            HIT ME FOO! (#46)
            Turns 8 (max 500)
            Turns Stored 0 (max 300)
            Rank #6
            Civilians 54,520
            Land Acres 25,925
            Money $448,256,648
            Nutrients 338,528,091
            Energy 36,104,045
            Networth $24,084,735
            Era Present
            Race Orc
            Health 85%
            Tax Rate 40%
            Infantry 0
            Tanks 0
            Jets 0
            Battleships 0
            Telepaths 540,704


            • Originally posted by Jonny

              I'm away from my computer for 24 hours, and this is what happens.
              Don't worry, that's whut happened to my first nation since the reset (Park-n-Flush Trailer Park) too. The server went down, I had to go somewhere for a bit, came back, dead Empire. (See the some mofo killed me while I was out post. ) Anyways, that's the game--just start a new Empire after you've deleted your old.
              meet the new boss, same as the old boss


              • Well, I'm gonna try and hold on as long as I can.

                If anyone online right now has money to spare, please send it to me!

                There is a protective shield on my empire for the next 12 hours, so that would lessen the effects of any embezzelment attempts.


                • 68 only has Galleons, nothing else--not a terrible lot of land but still some land. And he's in an enemy clan too so he doesn't get protection
                  meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                  • Jonny, ive sent you money yesterday and today. Youve logged on for 5 minutes and gone, You need to capture your land back (which should be easy). I'll send you another $1 billion, but you must attack. Log on to MSN Messenger and let Laz or Mr Mitchel talk you through it.

                    Read your IN GAME Messeges, ive also send their hotmail ID's


                    • 68 now has no military--I'll leave the killing up to someone else of you (Jonny?). And, Jonny, I sent you $1bil.

                      68 got back online, he'll probably buy something back up.
                      meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                      • Also Jonny once you've made an attack you are no longer in protection, throwing caution to the wind and hurting the enemy so much that they can only hurt you a little in the counter attack is the way to win this game.
                        Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                        • I'm back to a decent amount of land, about 10K acres.


                          • Of course, I'm now back at the no money problem, my $8000000 per turn defecit is really hurting.


                            • 54 stop attacking 48 (hes a Warrior clan member).

                              !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!


                              • Jonny, you might want to get an MSN so we can talk you through some good strategies next time (we're all very miffed at you attacking another fellow clan member.)

                                meet the new boss, same as the old boss

