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Bowling for Columbine...

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  • #61
    The Willie Horton thing is goofie because the original IMO is far more startling and everyone knows that the fact it wasn't done by Bushes campaign officially is just a smokescreen. When Bush did the revolving doors add everyone knew who he was references, helped along by the Willie Horton ad. Check it out...


    • #62
      the original, at least, was factually accurate; the moore version was anything but. and the startle factor is irrelevant.
      ...the roar of the masses could be farts...


      • #63
        Originally posted by Carolus Rex

        Australia: 123 (19 000 000), NB! Here I took the highest gun homicide figure for a single year during 1980-1995.
        You shouldn't have done that. There was one year in which some nut in Tasmania took out loads of people. But that was a once in a lifetime event.
        Only feebs vote.


        • #64
          Shi - From your link:

          Moore also tries to link $245 million he says the United States gave the Taliban to Sept.11, 2001. The fact that it was actually United Nations and non-governmental organization money given as humanitarian assistance to fight famine is apparently not important.
          Since when does the UN print or coin money? That money was given by UN members, and we know who that includes. Furthermore, the Congress was giving Afghanistan millions to wage their drug war. And when confronted with the fact the Congress was funding the Taliban, politicians here claim the money was for poppy eradication or "humanitarian" reasons and was never given to the Taliban. These politicians must think we're stupid, the Taliban was the entity waging the drug war, not the Northern Alliance and warlords who were trafficking in heroin. Moore is correct on that point, the Congress did fund the Taliban...


          • #65
            I read Wraith's link, Michael Moore is a lying scumbag. I've lost what little respect I once had for him...

            As for homicides in the USA, check this link:

            The drug war accounts for roughly half the homicide rate...


            • #66
              uggabugga w00T!!!! DL!!
              To us, it is the BEAST.


              • #67
                sorry, no.

                ...but party on, dude!

                ...the roar of the masses could be farts...

