Looking at history, it would be close to impossible to hold any country up and say that is a morally decent country.
1. Britain and the U.S. have lots of problems. There is no way you can say that a country that is responsible for selling opium and racial oppression is morally decent. There is no way that you can say that a country that is responsible for genocide and racial oppression is morally decent. Don’t be hard on the Anglo-Saxon’s. Christians and Muslims and whites and blacks and yellows and inbetween’s have all been responsible for wars. People usually covet something they don’t have, feel they have a right to what someone else has, are bitter about what someone else has or think it is rightfully theirs. If you to take your life as a kid. Why did you ever fight? As an adult. What problems do you have with your neighbors? What about the car next to you? In CIV games what reasons do we have for going to war with other players?
2. I really think that we should start searching for solutions that don’t involve liberating gassing or imposing anything on another group or person. Maybe talking and minding one’s own business for starters
1. Britain and the U.S. have lots of problems. There is no way you can say that a country that is responsible for selling opium and racial oppression is morally decent. There is no way that you can say that a country that is responsible for genocide and racial oppression is morally decent. Don’t be hard on the Anglo-Saxon’s. Christians and Muslims and whites and blacks and yellows and inbetween’s have all been responsible for wars. People usually covet something they don’t have, feel they have a right to what someone else has, are bitter about what someone else has or think it is rightfully theirs. If you to take your life as a kid. Why did you ever fight? As an adult. What problems do you have with your neighbors? What about the car next to you? In CIV games what reasons do we have for going to war with other players?
2. I really think that we should start searching for solutions that don’t involve liberating gassing or imposing anything on another group or person. Maybe talking and minding one’s own business for starters