Originally posted by GePap
Just go ask all those people who go to Ground Zero to hold pro-war ralies saying how the war in Iraq actually begun there, cause "they hit us first". I am sure they will tell you that they are doing it for rhetorical reasons, and are well aware that as of this moment, no links betwen the Saddam regime and 9/11 were found. I also loved this one piece on PBS' The News Hour when they had a segement prewar about the string of municipalities passing statements against the war. They focused on this small Oegon twon, and during the discussion the president of the City Council, who opposed the anti-war resolution, stated that "it had been found that many of the hijackers came from Iraq"
Just go ask all those people who go to Ground Zero to hold pro-war ralies saying how the war in Iraq actually begun there, cause "they hit us first". I am sure they will tell you that they are doing it for rhetorical reasons, and are well aware that as of this moment, no links betwen the Saddam regime and 9/11 were found. I also loved this one piece on PBS' The News Hour when they had a segement prewar about the string of municipalities passing statements against the war. They focused on this small Oegon twon, and during the discussion the president of the City Council, who opposed the anti-war resolution, stated that "it had been found that many of the hijackers came from Iraq"
I want an actual link to the aforementioned poll.