This is alot to read, but i would much appreciate if you read it and lend me advice, but if you dont want to you could just skip several paragraphs...
I eagerly applied last winter to the US Air Force Academy, seeing myself with a great future in military service, with purpose and direction. I had been waiting for that for many years. I quickly squirreled up one of my Senator's nominations, adn my other two Congressmen sent me letters of assurances that if I had not already received a nomination, that they would have given me one. During an interview with a panel of alumni from the various service academies, after examining my record thouroughly, they said i was the type of person the USAFA was looking for. I had skills and ambition. This gave me much confidence.
My Liason Officer interveiw went very well, and later she told me that she had scored my character (one of the 4 things the service academies llook at) very high. My SAT scores were well above the academy average, and my grades were quite good. I scored well above average on everything in my Physical Aptitude Exam (pushups in 2 minutes, pullups, standing broad jump, basketball throw, 300meter shuttle run), except pull-ups, which i did slightly less than average on (damn my long arms and heavy legs!). I have been active in extracurricular activities, and in athletics. The one area really that i was lacking was leadership postions.
Anyway, after all this, and added confidence given to me by my school councilor, I figured I had a very good chance at acceptance. I had worked very hard to be a competetive applicant.
Unfortunately, I recieved a letter the day before last telling me that I would not be recieving an appoinment to the USAFA. Initially, i tried to block it from my mind, just acknowledging the letter, but nothing more.
But now, after time, i have had no choice but to thiink about it (as i am always thinking...) and my feelings suck ass. Although i appled to other places in case of this, i never thought those things thru. At the academy, i had a plan, my life had a future and i had dreams and aspirations. The thing that pisses me off the most is that i know i have the ability to have realized that stuff, but i cant now because i was nudged out. Now, at the university of texas (the place i will probably end up going), i have no idea what im going to do with my life. I have no plans for even next year, let alone what direction my life will take
. It is almost scarey.
Another big problem is i dunno how i am going to pay for college. I was going to do an AFROTC application, but i was late on it because i mis-thought it was the same as the academy's. SO now, im going into college with no financial aid nor scholarships, and i am definately not from a wealthy family (single mother who just finished struggling to put my older brother thru college with almost no help from a dead-beat dad). The list of how this has really shaken up my life goes on and on. I have feelings of extreme failure. Like i failed myself, and the many people who had high expectations of me, adn were pulling for me. And this is ALL ontop of a bunch of **** im going thru in my life already, that i dont care much to delve into.
I dunno why im writting this, i guess im just searching for consolation to my anxiety, or perhaps any advice about anything that i can get. If you have any questions on more details of whats going on, please ask. ill tell further what i can/want to.
EDIT: also, any one have any similar experiences?
This is alot to read, but i would much appreciate if you read it and lend me advice, but if you dont want to you could just skip several paragraphs...
I eagerly applied last winter to the US Air Force Academy, seeing myself with a great future in military service, with purpose and direction. I had been waiting for that for many years. I quickly squirreled up one of my Senator's nominations, adn my other two Congressmen sent me letters of assurances that if I had not already received a nomination, that they would have given me one. During an interview with a panel of alumni from the various service academies, after examining my record thouroughly, they said i was the type of person the USAFA was looking for. I had skills and ambition. This gave me much confidence.
My Liason Officer interveiw went very well, and later she told me that she had scored my character (one of the 4 things the service academies llook at) very high. My SAT scores were well above the academy average, and my grades were quite good. I scored well above average on everything in my Physical Aptitude Exam (pushups in 2 minutes, pullups, standing broad jump, basketball throw, 300meter shuttle run), except pull-ups, which i did slightly less than average on (damn my long arms and heavy legs!). I have been active in extracurricular activities, and in athletics. The one area really that i was lacking was leadership postions.
Anyway, after all this, and added confidence given to me by my school councilor, I figured I had a very good chance at acceptance. I had worked very hard to be a competetive applicant.
Unfortunately, I recieved a letter the day before last telling me that I would not be recieving an appoinment to the USAFA. Initially, i tried to block it from my mind, just acknowledging the letter, but nothing more.
But now, after time, i have had no choice but to thiink about it (as i am always thinking...) and my feelings suck ass. Although i appled to other places in case of this, i never thought those things thru. At the academy, i had a plan, my life had a future and i had dreams and aspirations. The thing that pisses me off the most is that i know i have the ability to have realized that stuff, but i cant now because i was nudged out. Now, at the university of texas (the place i will probably end up going), i have no idea what im going to do with my life. I have no plans for even next year, let alone what direction my life will take

Another big problem is i dunno how i am going to pay for college. I was going to do an AFROTC application, but i was late on it because i mis-thought it was the same as the academy's. SO now, im going into college with no financial aid nor scholarships, and i am definately not from a wealthy family (single mother who just finished struggling to put my older brother thru college with almost no help from a dead-beat dad). The list of how this has really shaken up my life goes on and on. I have feelings of extreme failure. Like i failed myself, and the many people who had high expectations of me, adn were pulling for me. And this is ALL ontop of a bunch of **** im going thru in my life already, that i dont care much to delve into.
I dunno why im writting this, i guess im just searching for consolation to my anxiety, or perhaps any advice about anything that i can get. If you have any questions on more details of whats going on, please ask. ill tell further what i can/want to.
EDIT: also, any one have any similar experiences?