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Couple Guilty of Assault in Vegan Case

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  • Couple Guilty of Assault in Vegan Case

    Well I have always maintained that if you had to be "Licensed" to be a parent there would be a lot fewer of them. Is this a "Fair" verdict?

    Couple Guilty of Assault in Vegan Case

    A Queens couple who fed their baby daughter a strict vegetarian diet, including homemade infant formula, were convicted yesterday of nearly starving her to death.

    A jury in State Supreme Court found the couple, Joseph and Silva Swinton, guilty of first-degree assault and two lesser charges. They were immediately taken into custody. Each faces 5 to 25 years in prison.

    The case, described in some headlines as the Vegan Baby Trial, attracted widespread attention beyond the couple's Queens Village neighborhood. Prosecutors said that as exotic and sensational as it sometimes seemed, the facts were plain enough: a diet with no dairy products or infant formula is not adequate for a newborn child, and the parents should have known better.

    "This community spoke through the jury and indicated that the weakest will be protected," said Eric Rosenbaum, the prosecutor. "The law protects children."

    The results of the Swintons' care, prosecutors and medical experts said, were disastrous. By the time the authorities intervened when the child was 15 months old, she was toothless, had rickets, broken bones and internal injuries. She was severely malnourished and weighed 10 pounds — less than half the normal weight for a young toddler.

    The girl, IIce (pronounced ICE), will be 3 in July and has been living in foster care since the authorities took her from her parents in November 2001. Prosecutors said yesterday that IIce was "now on the growth scale," and was physically progressing, but doctors suspect that she has neurological damage.

    Lawyers for the Swintons said they would appeal the verdict, noting that the first-degree assault charge included a finding that an offender had depraved intentions. Part of the Swintons' defense had been that they were not knowledgeable enough about child nutrition and did not realize that they were endangering their child until hospital workers told them that IIce was sick.

    "I don't see justice here," said Christopher Shella, a lawyer for Mrs. Swinton. "That they made the wrong choice doesn't make it depraved, given how much they cared about their child."

    Mrs. Swinton, who is 32, gave birth to IIce at her home three months prematurely. They never received prenatal or postnatal care. In an interview yesterday as she waited for the verdict, Mrs. Swinton said she had been a wayward, 300-pound young adult when she decided to adopt the vegan diet. She and her husband of seven years, who is also 32, have been on it for several years.

    Mrs. Swinton said she chose not to breast-feed IIce. After trying to feed her different kinds of commercial baby formula for several months, the couple decided to put her on a natural foods diet. Examining the label on commercial baby formula cans, Mrs. Swinton said she tried to replicate the chemical composition with natural ingredients, including ground nuts and puréed fruits and vegetables.

    "We were brand-new parents trying to do everything we could for her," Mrs. Swinton said yesterday. She was rueful, noting that she had "never even got a speeding ticket" and now faced prison.

    Amy Lanou, the nutrition director for the Washington-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, testified during the three-week trial that both vegan and vegetarian diets would allow breast milk, and barring that, soy-based baby formula.

    Mr. Rosenbaum, the prosecutor, said the care given to IIce was akin to what a child might offer to a "pet gerbil." He said that no matter what the parents' intentions, their failure to seek any type of medical care as IIce's condition worsened merited the criminal charges. In addition to assault, the parents were convicted of first-degree reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child. They will be sentenced on May 16.

    Members of several black advocacy groups attended most of the trial and after the verdict, some said that from the start, the mostly white jury was against the Swintons, who are black. The jurors, who deliberated for two days, had been sequestered since Wednesday morning, prompting Judge Richard L. Buchter to remind them as they were dismissed that "there's a war going on, and it's people like you serving in this system that is what America is all about."

    The verdict shocked the Swintons' relatives and friends, many of whom sat through day after day of often highly complex medical testimony regarding the ability of the human body to process certain chemicals. Some relatives, though, had testified for the prosecution, confirming that the Swintons were IIce's sole caregivers and had complete responsibility for her feedings.

    Mr. Swinton's lawyer, Ronna Gordon-Galchus, said she believed that the nine women and three men on the jury were emotionally swayed by the disturbing testimony of the child's medical condition and that the Swintons' intentions should have played a larger role in the verdict.

    "Everything they did for their child, they believed was in her best interest," Ms. Gordon-Galchus said.

    The parents were arrested six months after the baby was removed from their home. Mrs. Swinton was able to post bail, but Mr. Swinton has been in Rikers Island since his arrest. She gave birth to a second child, a boy, named InI (pronounced I-en-I), last July. She said she hid him from the authorities for 15 days and was now limited to regular visits with him. He is also in foster care.

    As she was led from the courtroom after being taken into custody, Mrs. Swinton called out to her mother, "Tell IIce and InI that I love them."

    The ways of Man are passing strange, he buys his freedom and he counts his change.
    Then he lets the wind his days arrange and he calls the tide his master.

  • #2
    I'd have no problem with parents keeping their kids on Moby.. I mean Vegan diets, so long as they know what the frick they are doing.

    Obviously, these people did not.


    • #3
      So true anun, so true
      "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
      'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


      • #4
        Do you believe this is true:

        the first-degree assault charge included a finding that an offender had depraved intentions.
        The ways of Man are passing strange, he buys his freedom and he counts his change.
        Then he lets the wind his days arrange and he calls the tide his master.


        • #5
          That's a rather weird way of phrasing it, so I wonder what the actual statute says.

          Clearly, they were aware she was having severe problems, and never sought medical care until way late - almost too late. There are a lot of resources out there for parents, a lot of the free, but I think that any charge that presumes intent is probably excessive in this case, unless the statute allows intent to be presumed from actual conduct, instead of requiring positive proof.

          The duration of suffering and degree of suffering inflicted is extreme, though, so even if the first degree assault charge didn't apply, the other charges should result in the maximum sentence for those charges.
          When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


          • #6
            How come woman's milk isn't allowed for a baby in a vegan diet? It's not as if any animals are hurt from it.

            "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

            Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


            • #7
              What does this have to do with Vegan diets? You can raise a baby on a vegan diet. Obviously, these people didn't know how, or care.

              It's a stupid charge, anyways. Sounds like neglect to me.
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              • #8
                I'm not sure if it should be legislated, but forcing a kid to be a vegetarian is just wrong. Children need the protein that is in many meats. Let the kid make up its own mind when it's older for Christ's sake!

                Vegans are usually wackos, anyhow.

                There's nothing wrong with being against the torture of animals. I, for instance, won't eat veal because it's tortured baby cow. But I enjoy other kinds of meat. It's almost impossible to not eat or use a product that came from an animal. Even the gelatin used in the manufacture of OTC and prescription pills comes from animals. Many of the ingredients in lotions come from animals. I agree animals shouldn't be tortured, and we should do everything in our power to make sure they aren't. But come on, its a fact of life. Deal with it.
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sava
                  I'm not sure if it should be legislated, but forcing a kid to be a vegetarian is just wrong. Children need the protein that is in many meats. Let the kid make up its own mind when it's older for Christ's sake!
                  Sorry, but you need to get a clue. Meat isn't the only source of protein, and protein is not at all hard to get. Vegetarian diets are not very difficult at all to keep healthy, and require no more care then an omnivorous diet - infact, the care required to avoid meat usually means vegetarians are much more consious of their health, while omnivores are willing to gorge themselves on fast food.

                  But we aren't even talking about a vegetarian diet here, anyways. This is a Vegan diet - ie. no dairy and animal by-products, which can also be completely healthy but requires much more nutritional care, especially for developing children and pregnant women. But it can be done.

                  You don't seriously think a vegetarian is going to feed his baby meat, do you?
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Osweld
                    What does this have to do with Vegan diets?
                    Other than the fact that's what the parents were raising the kid on, not much.

                    Sounds like a fair verdict to me though. The parents were criminally stupid at the very least. It really isn't hard for someone to see something is wrong with a baby starved to the extent described in the article.
                    I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                    For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DinoDoc

                      Other than the fact that's what the parents were raising the kid on, not much.
                      If the couple malnourished their child on a omnivorous diet, their eating habits would not be an issue. It is implying that vegan diets can not support a baby, and that is simply not true - you just have to know what you're doing.
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                      • #12
                        Sorry, but you need to get a clue. Meat isn't the only source of protein, and protein is not at all hard to get. Vegetarian diets are not very difficult at all to keep healthy, and require no more care then an omnivorous diet - infact, the care required to avoid meat usually means vegetarians are much more consious of their health, while omnivores are willing to gorge themselves on fast food.

                        But we aren't even talking about a vegetarian diet here, anyways. This is a Vegan diet - ie. no dairy and animal by-products, which can also be completely healthy but requires much more nutritional care, especially for developing children and pregnant women. But it can be done.

                        You don't seriously think a vegetarian is going to feed his baby meat, do you?
                        It'd be nice if you didn't insult me.

                        Sure, meat isn't the only source of protein. But humans have eaten throughout their evolution. Children should have a balanced diet. Then when they are older, they can make their own dietary decisions.

                        BTW, my cousin is a vegetarian and she feeds her daughter meat. She's also a nutritionist. So think before you hurl insults.
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sava
                          I'm not sure if it should be legislated, but forcing a kid to be a vegetarian is just wrong. Children need the protein that is in many meats. Let the kid make up its own mind when it's older for Christ's sake!
                          Is that the sound of the world cracking in half, or is it the sound of my jaw dropping when I note that Sava and I actually agree on something?


                          • #14
                            I'm not completely retarded... mind you
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sava

                              It'd be nice if you didn't insult me.

                              Sure, meat isn't the only source of protein. But humans have eaten throughout their evolution. Children should have a balanced diet. Then when they are older, they can make their own dietary decisions.

                              BTW, my cousin is a vegetarian and she feeds her daughter meat. She's also a nutritionist. So think before you hurl insults.
                              First, I didn't insult you. I said you needed to get a clue, which you do, because you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

                              Vegetarian diets are completely balanced.

                              And yes, humans have eaten throughout there evolution, I'm not sure what you're trying imply by that. Or did you mean eaten meat? In that case, we haven't eaten meat all through our evolution. But it doesn't matter anyways, because we aren't cavemen anymore. And we don't go around raping women because that's what our ancestors did, either.
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                              Do It Ourselves

