Originally posted by GePap
We follow the the UK follows them, so forth and so on. The fact is that that notion: "no one follows the rules of war" is generally wrong. if your annalysis is correct, why haven't the following things already happened?
Blowing up southern oil fields, damns on the rivers, mass bombing of civilian centers, use of Chemical weapons, hell, use of nuclear weapons?
It is in everyone's interests to folow as many of these rules as possible since you never know when you will be at the recieving end. Hell, even the Nazi's generally followed the rules of war with those individuals they classified as worthy of the title "human being".
We follow the the UK follows them, so forth and so on. The fact is that that notion: "no one follows the rules of war" is generally wrong. if your annalysis is correct, why haven't the following things already happened?
Blowing up southern oil fields, damns on the rivers, mass bombing of civilian centers, use of Chemical weapons, hell, use of nuclear weapons?
It is in everyone's interests to folow as many of these rules as possible since you never know when you will be at the recieving end. Hell, even the Nazi's generally followed the rules of war with those individuals they classified as worthy of the title "human being".
I am just saying it is funny to think that the US could expect Iraq or any other nation they go to war with to follow these rules, and if the US were the under dog and faced a superior eneimy they would do every thing they could to stop the invading army and not follow these rules.
I know US will follow these rules, and so would most countries in Europe, but dictators and such and other nations would never follow these rules and do every thing they could to win, I gues you did not get that from what I was trying to say and I just had to be more clear for you.