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Harsh War Crtics: Values of the follwing needed for your apology after US/UK victory

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  • #61
    A tear will come to my eye if indeed Iraq is one day a little hub of success comparable to Japan or Germany


    • #62
      A tear will come to my eye if indeed Iraq is one day a little hub of success comparable to Japan or Germany

      You're not the only one. We better do this right...


      • #63
        Originally posted by Zylka
        The UN is an absolute failure at best right now. Look at Rwanda, which was about as easy a diplomatic answer as possible - but they did NOTHING. I am just as disgusted with the US for not telling the UN to f*ck off back then and invade the massacre of a country to restore order.
        Excuse me? The UN was in Rwanda and tried to stop the massacre. Canadian and Belguim peacekeepers were there. But when the massacres started, the US blocked attempts to send re-inforcements. It was the US that said no. It was the US who said don't get involved.

        As for apologies, when American companies end up in control of Iraqi oil, will you admit that this war was about oil?

        By the way Zylka, when did you move to the States?
        Golfing since 67


        • #64
          Originally posted by Tingkai

          Excuse me? The UN was in Rwanda and tried to stop the massacre. Canadian and Belguim peacekeepers were there. But when the massacres started, the US blocked attempts to send re-inforcements. It was the US that said no. It was the US who said don't get involved.

          As for apologies, when American companies end up in control of Iraqi oil, will you admit that this war was about oil?

          By the way Zylka, when did you move to the States?
          Ok TK I'm going to have to plead ignorance on Rwanda, for having never read up on it. As I understand from a Canadian perspective, Canadian troops present were not allowed to act due to UN bickering... but I had no idea it was the USA who was the chief opposition to immediate action? If so - disgusting. Was that under Clinton?

          Supposedly we have a prominent general who stood by and watched the massacres, unable to do a thing under strict orders. He's now a complete traumatized basket case, like drooling vegetable grade - imagine the guilt he took on that he didn't have to...

          If American companies end up with big oil deals as payment for the very expensive war, I'll be happy. As long as the bulk of the oil revenue goes to developing a new Iraq, why not? Quid pro quo - you free us of horrible tyranny and help us become developed, we show our thanks with big oil deals. Anything wrong with that?

          Seriously - what more than the cost of the war is America expecting out of this, and do you expect they will get? I'm not asking in a cynical manner, just unsure of general estimates...

          The American flag is to show support for a just nation taking a police role, and I'll fly others just as they join in. Convince me wrong of the motives, and it's back to the maple leaf


          • #65
            Originally posted by Zylka

            If American companies end up with big oil deals as payment for the very expensive war, I'll be happy. As long as the bulk of the oil revenue goes to developing a new Iraq, why not? Quid pro quo - you free us of horrible tyranny and help us become developed, we show our thanks with big oil deals. Anything wrong with that?
            Do you believe that the Iraqi people will say "Thank you American oil company. Here, take the oil and make massive profits from it. Thank you."

            The Iraqi people won't have a choice. The American government will decide. American oil companies are going to get preferential treatment. They will make the profits either by buying the drilling rights, or by the ensuring the US gov't keeps a cap on Iraqi oil production (which will keep world oil prices high). Those profits will go to the American companies not the Iraqis.

            Nigeria is an oil producer. Western corporations make massive profits from oil operations there. The people still live in poverty.
            Golfing since 67


            • #66
              Sudan would be another oil raped african country, at our fault - no?

              So you really believe the majority of Iraqs oil is going to the US in the end?


              • #67
                well you know who has the contracts now eh. Somehow I doubt those contracts will be honoured.
                Golfing since 67


                • #68
                  Number of Iraqi use of Chemical, biological or nuclear weapons during the war seems to be VERY important to me, more than number of troops killed.

                  Ratio of number of treaties between post-war Iraqi government and US/British oil companies versus oil companies from other countries.

                  Number of fanatised Arabs who see terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism as "just" or reasonable options after this war. (Maybe there are poll results on this?)

                  Number of spontaneous islamic terrorist attacks against any western state (including anti-war nations).

                  Number of Kurdish people dying in fights with invading Turks.

                  And, though this one is most unlikely: Number of Arab regimes falling due to internal riots.
                  "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
                  "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.

