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I am protesting the protesters

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  • #91
    I guess it makes news. Especially if there is violence involved. The media loves violence.

    But I don't care. I don't fear the protestors.

    Because they seriously hurt their cause for what they did in cities such as San Francisco, New York, Boston, and Chicago. They seriously pissed off the average american. They will not get the undecided to go over to their side. You can't antagonize the people you want to recruit. How stupid is that?

    but these protests are getting so extreme that the average american is starting to realize what nutcases they are. They won't get the average undecided american to go their way.

    I also have another idea I have been floating around. I think a lot of these people feel guilty for various reason. Some feel guilty they have it so good, while people in other countries have it so bad (although this doesn't explain why they don't want to help Iraqi civlians). Or they feel guilty because they lack the courage our U.S. troops have, and that they are safe and sound while the troops are in danger. They feel guilty for something.


    • #92
      it was my first protest and it was really fun.

      Do you see why I don't see any reason to take these protestors seriously?
      Silly people with surrealistic views on the world.

      And in fact egecentric people who in fac say nothing different but "Hey, people of Iraq, we don't care about you! Deal with your dictator yourself, we love peace so we won't help you"

      and saying that is "a lot of fun"

      I hope you guys have "a cool day" again today!
      People are dying! And you can protest! your dinner will be ready tonight! And usually other people have earned it for you!

      There are people being tortured
      there are people starving
      there are people being surpressed
      there are people who have suffered under mass destruction weapons

      and you say "keep talking to the man who did it! Till eternity!"

      Most people I hear from the anti-war campagin voice nothing but extreme-leftish bs.
      But go ahead! Move yourself among the short-sighted of the earth!

      "Make love, not war" sounds good! Unfortunately our choise is not that easy. The world is not a computer game.

      now go ahead with your silly signs and have a whole lot of fun!
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • #93
        Oh, and some dude said some stuff about afghanistan!
        I guess he meant to say "Yeah, under the Taleban things were better in Afghanistan"

        that's what I mean with silly ways of reasoning.
        of course it's not paradise yet in afghanistan!
        And it will never be!

        But now you're that silly to prefer the taleban regime above the current regime, just only to have another reason to be against the war!
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • #94
          I must admit tho, that the protests are annoying, and especially frustrating when you hear the ignorant shouts of "no blood for oil", among others.

          [not completely serious]
          My frustrations would be relieved tho by

          A) I watch them get their ass kicked by police

          B) their actions are cancled out by a Pro-war rally


          [/not completely serious]

          C) the war in Iraq turns out to be a stunning success
          "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
          - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
          Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


          • #95
            I also heard about Saddams eldest son today. He would just have a scout pick women off the street so he can rape them. And there was some soldier that did something wrong. He had him killed and brought his newlywed wife in and raped her and threw her off a balcony.

            I was ready to invade before I even knew this. I heard this today, and I can't figure out why people say we shouldn't fix the situation. As I mentioned above there are other countries with bad conditions. but we can't help everyone. We'd get our asses kicked in countries such as Rwanda, Tibet, and North Korea.


            • #96
              I also forgot to mention the blood for oil in my above long post.

              We didn't know for sure if we'd get that oil. He could have blown up every single oil well, and we'd have no oil. We were lucky and most of the oil wells are undamaged so far. This will be good for rebuilding Iraq. This was just an added bonus, not something we planned for.

              And we aren't stealing the oil. It belongs to the Iraqi people.


              • #97
                those "die ins" are so gay


                • #98
                  Sure it's all about oil!
                  Like the USA kept the oil from kuwait! :|
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by CyberShy
                    Oh, and some dude said some stuff about afghanistan!
                    I guess he meant to say "Yeah, under the Taleban things were better in Afghanistan"

                    that's what I mean with silly ways of reasoning.
                    of course it's not paradise yet in afghanistan!
                    And it will never be!

                    But now you're that silly to prefer the taleban regime above the current regime, just only to have another reason to be against the war!
                    What's that, did some dude just completely ignore my arguments?

                    Whoa, talk about being silly!
                    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                    Do It Ourselves


                    • Silly arguements deserve a silly response.

                      I am ignoring you.

                      ps: can you sack an anti-war protester?


                      • What's that, did some dude just completely ignore my arguments?

                        The arguments do not matter.
                        The situation in afghanistan has improved, eventhough it's still not paradise there. (hey, I apparently didn't ignore them)
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • Originally posted by CyberShy
                          What's that, did some dude just completely ignore my arguments?

                          The arguments do not matter.
                          The situation in afghanistan has improved, eventhough it's still not paradise there. (hey, I apparently didn't ignore them)
                          Please show me how it's improved. I've shown you how it hasn't, all you have done is say 'no'.

                          The new government isn't as oppresive as the taliban, but there is so much anarchy that it hardly makes a difference. The civil war is as fierce as ever. There is no democracy. More people are dead, more buildings are destroyed, and more mines and unexploded munitions fill the landscape. The country does not have enough money to rebuild, while meanwhile the USA is spending tens of billions of dollars on developing new nuclear weapons technology.
                          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                          Do It Ourselves


                          • well go to your precious U.N. and ask for help.

                            Am I the only one to see how useless the U.N. is now? How can they turn a blind eye to afghanistan, Iraq, and Rwanda. I can understand Rwanda, as the region has no support bases, and the U.S. would suffer very large casualties and would probably lose a war there. But maybe with worldwide support they could do it.

                            And I don't know if the U.S. is deveoloping new nuke technology, but it doesn't matter. The U.S. has more than enough money to go around. I'm sure the U.S. has invested billions in afghanistan. The question you should ask is why aren't other nations doing more to help?


                            • UNICEF helps save and protect children from the impacts of war and violence through evidence-based interventions and response services in more than 140 countries. Learn more, including how to help.


                              The removal of the Taliban from power and the subsequent rise of a transitional government in Afghanistan have renewed hopes that after more than 20 years of violence and oppression, children and families can look forward to healthier and happier lives.
                              In June 2002, the first popular elections held in Afghanistan in over two decades gave power to Hamid Karzai, who now leads a transitional administration that will preside for 18 months as the country works to rebuild and recover from decades of oppression and destruction.

                              Despite signs of progress over the last year, UNICEF today said Afghanistan is still grappling to rebuild its nation - with girls and women in particular jeopardy - and now the country is at risk of being ignored.
                              United Nations:

                              The report notes progress made on the consolidation of government authority by the Afghan Transitional Administration, in particular through the adoption of a national development budget, the successful completion of a currency reform operation, and the ongoing implementation of national programmes to provide clear, tangible economic benefits to the Afghan population.
                              again, it's not paradise, but it's improving and getting better.

                              But if you disagree, say it clear: "The situation under the Taleban was better"
                              If that's not what you mean, and if you agree that it's better right now, but still not the best place to live, than just say "I agree with you CS"

                              But if you're in the surreal impression that it's possible to turn hell into heaven in little time, I'm sorry. Welcome to the planet earth.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • I'm wondering why people like Agathon draw some sort of connection between pro-war opinions and getting laid. I have several rolls of photos from DC anti-war protests, and I for one can tell you that a lot of anti-war protestors aren't prize pigs themselves.

                                Shouting "You can't get laid!" is about as effective as comparing something to Nazi Germany on the retort scale.
                                If you look around and think everyone else is an *******, you're the *******.

