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For your Info: I am a Muslim and RAW is a Muslim Only Clan

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  • Originally posted by Ozz
    Frankly, What kind of God would want humans to crawl
    and abase themselves? What kind of God would want
    such spineless worms for followers?
    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


    • Originally posted by Alexander's Horse


      • I know plenty of Moslems who would disagree with your bigotted point of view (they're Sunni's BTW ). I'd be interested in seeing your justification.
        They're Shia infiltrators.

        We talked about them at the latest ZOG briefing.


        • Originally posted by Azazel

          They're Shia infiltrators.

          We talked about them at the latest ZOG briefing.
          Ha ha ha!

          How's ZOG going?

          Do you control all the world yet? I hear the Vatican is still holding out....
          Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

          ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


          • Islam is to Listen and to obey. Submission to the will of Allah. No reason or logic needed
            Jews are cursed and Shiia are not Muslims. Its not teaching, its facts, like Night comes after day, and day follows the night.
            You cannot claim anything as fact without reason or logic behind it. It's preposterous and dangerously ignorant. Religion is based on faith not fact and there is a big difference. Anyone can tell you that.
            "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"


            • I think some people need to chill... before they get chilled...
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • While God did give Adam the ability to make moral decisions, it cannot be the fault of God when man chooses to sin, since man has the option to choose what is right. Under the Muslim argument, this choice is unavailable, since they deny the concept of original sin. By doing so, the origin of sin must be God, and not the decisions of Man.
                obiwan, your argument fails because you used "reason and logic" and OmarBKhatab has made it perfectly clear that there is no need for that. I could make the much simpler argument that I believe that Moa Dib is the true god because I read it in a book and that must be true because I have faith in it. You say, "That's ridiculous, how can you defend that claim?" and I say I don't have to because "reason and logic" don't apply to me.

                Of course that last notion doesn't matter either because it means nothing w/o reason or logic. You know... human interaction in general really doesn't mean much w/o reason or logic, not that that's all there is to human interaction, but there certainly couldn't be any meaningful contact w/o it.

                "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"


                • How's ZOG going?
                  Thanks, well. Our troops now are stationed south of baghdad, pushing north.



                  • Common reply to all those question asked

                    ONE Reply to all those posts after my last Post (sorry I dont have time to reply them one by one)

                    Read This if u are looking for a reply

                    1. I am not flaming any Religion on this post, I am trying to say what we believe in. And some times, it may or will be offensive towards others, like example, I understand saying Jewish are cursed will be offensive towards the Jews.

                    2. Shiia are not Muslims and a creation of Jewish scholar back 1400 years. But, it does not mean that present day Jews can control shiias any more. The idea of creating shiiaism was not to control but to corrupt the true Islam.

                    3. Quran: Quran is complete but Quran must be accompanied by Hadith (saying of Prophet Mohammed(saw)). Most of u have no clue of what are different kinds of revelations.

                    Reveletions from Allah are of two kinds:

                    a) Direct (Allah sending His message to Prophet Mohammed(saw) directly)

                    b) Indirect (where Jibril (as), the angle brought the revelation to Prophet Mohammed(saw))

                    Quran is Indirect revelation of Allah, Angel Jibri(as) brought it to Prophet MOhammed(saw). This form of revelation is complex to understand, and for sure, without faith, non-Muslims will be forever confused and will find contradiction as they dont understand the deep inner meaning.

                    Hadith (saying/life of Prophet Mohammed(saw)) is Direct Revelation.

                    ALlah says in Quran(nearest meaning): "whatever Mohammed (saw) spoke is not from his(saw) own desire, instead, he was "inspired" into."

                    So, whatever Prophet Mohammed (saw) said or did, is devine and was ordered by Allah. This is easier to understand than Quran as Prophet Mohammed(saw) showed how it is done by example.

                    Those who Accept Quran and disregard Hadith are NOT even Muslims . That is what Shiia do. Shiia claim to Follow Quran [correct belief] but, denounce Hadith [which renders them non-Muslims].

                    Quran u can call the theory, Hadith, is the practice example of what Quran told us to do. Islam is ACTION (ammal or good deeds), hadith teaches us HOW to obey ALlahs orders as said in Quran.

                    Now, for non-Muslims, understanding of Islamic belief system will be limited to websites like "answering Islam" type websites.

                    BUT, there are people who work and do reseach on their own who will see the "real Islam" that is not presented in Jewish controlled westurn media.

                    If any one wants to understand Quran, he MUST understand Hadith.
                    RAW, Rise of An Ancient Warrior, Muslims Online Gaming Community, A Five Year old Gaming Community serving AOK,AOC, AOM,WC3,CS. Future Games for RAW: RON. [RAW Site]:


                    • Re: Common reply to all those question asked

                      Originally posted by RAW_OmarBKhatab
                      [B]If any one wants to understand Quran, he MUST understand Hadith.

                      No reason or logic needed
                      I used to wonder where Orwell got the idea of doublespeak.


                      • "No reason or logic needed"

                        If that's the case, then I'm God. After all, no reason or logic is needed. I say that I am God, and, by the fact that you say that "no reason or logic is needed," then I don't need any reason or logic to back up what I say.


                        • Re: Re: Common reply to all those question asked

                          Originally posted by Ozz

                          I used to wonder where Orwell got the idea of doublespeak.

                          u make no sense. may be u are confused all over again cos what I said is never said on ur media sources.
                          RAW, Rise of An Ancient Warrior, Muslims Online Gaming Community, A Five Year old Gaming Community serving AOK,AOC, AOM,WC3,CS. Future Games for RAW: RON. [RAW Site]:


                          • You seem to think that all Americans are brainwashed by the media. The vast majority are not. Each country spouts its own propaganda to some degree through the media. The US does this less than most countries I believe but admittedly still does it.

                            Those of us who have a fully functional brain within our skulls take what we see/hear/read in the media with a grain of salt.

                            Get the idea out of your head that we are media lemmings and start putting some logic and hard facts into your arguments if you insist on spewing them forth.
                            Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
                            Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
                            I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


                            • Brainwashed by the media... brainwashed by your church, eh...

                              Those of us who have a fully functional brain within our skulls take what we see/hear/read in the media with a grain of salt.
                              Same should be true of everything, not just the media.
                              "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"


                              • Originally posted by BustaMike
                                Brainwashed by the media... brainwashed by your church, eh...
                                Same should be true of everything, not just the media.
                                Very, very true. Again I think some religions are worse than others, but all are guilty of it.
                                Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
                                Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
                                I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!

