Originally posted by Urban Ranger
You can't have it both ways. Either you hold that every nation must abide the international law, or you hold that national interests are above international law. If you hold the former, you will be compelled to condemn Duyba for violating international law. If you hold the latter, where is your ground in accusing Saddam Hussein of developing CBN weapons?
You can't have it both ways. Either you hold that every nation must abide the international law, or you hold that national interests are above international law. If you hold the former, you will be compelled to condemn Duyba for violating international law. If you hold the latter, where is your ground in accusing Saddam Hussein of developing CBN weapons?
Its like that disarmament thing which was the beginning of the end of the League of Nations..... its a great idea, you can get rid of as many weapons as you want, but we won't.
Theres no way the US could be objectively judged in any international court, too much anti-US sentiment across the world. Anyway, why should ghana or sri lanka play any significant part in shaping US policy.