My biggest problem is why do we wait until now to declare war? We know he wants to develop weapons of mass destruction, we know he is willing to use them, why allow him to develop any capabilities? The second he kicked the inspectors out we should have threatened retalliation, he attacked Kuwait, he lost the war, why should we play his game? As long as inspectors are in his country it significantly limits his offense capabilities, but as soon as they are removed he is free to do whatever he wants.
Why have we waited not days, not weeks, not months but years for action to be taken against him? There is a place for diplomacy, but what has happened the past several years is not diplomacy, it is appeasement.
My only hope is that the Iraqi army can see that they have no way of winning the war and surrender. The Iraqi's shouldn't have to pay the price for their dictator's actions.
Why have we waited not days, not weeks, not months but years for action to be taken against him? There is a place for diplomacy, but what has happened the past several years is not diplomacy, it is appeasement.
My only hope is that the Iraqi army can see that they have no way of winning the war and surrender. The Iraqi's shouldn't have to pay the price for their dictator's actions.