Actually I meant for the thread title to read state and federal tax. Oh well.
I had to use the parenthesis to throw off goverment computers that scan web pages
. I'm not paranoid, just cautious 
OK so they read off our state budjet on a radio show the other day. Granted it was a conservative show. But how biased can reading the dollar amount for goverment agencies from a printout be?
Basically my state has a bunch of useless programs that I never knew existed. Many of these agencies do the same job as other agencies.
It's enough to drive you insane.
I'm not a conservative mind you, I'm more of a libertarian.
I want people to take care of themselves, not the goverment. Unless you are disabled and cannot work, you should not be getting any money from the goverment.
Actually my state doesn't have state tax. Tax money is collected from other things like gasoline taxes (which mainly go for roads- I have no problem with that as I use the roads everyday), sales tax (which has skyrocketed the last 20 years), gaming tax (I have no problem with this one), and other taxes I am unaware of.
You used to be able to buy online to avoid state sales tax, but I think companies are voluntarily charging state taxes now.
What scares me is what goverment programs I'm paying for
. I think the federal goverment should do the job it was intended to back in the 18th century. Mainly national defense. I have no problem giving my tax dollars to support a military. And I have no problem paying the saliries of politicians. But all these goverment programs drive me crazy.
I could move to another country. But what country has a tax rate lower than the U.S.?
P.S. note to IRS. I have always payed my taxes in the past. Please don't audit me
. I could pass an audit of course, I just don't want the trouble. I keep terrible records.
I had to use the parenthesis to throw off goverment computers that scan web pages

OK so they read off our state budjet on a radio show the other day. Granted it was a conservative show. But how biased can reading the dollar amount for goverment agencies from a printout be?
Basically my state has a bunch of useless programs that I never knew existed. Many of these agencies do the same job as other agencies.
It's enough to drive you insane.
I'm not a conservative mind you, I'm more of a libertarian.
I want people to take care of themselves, not the goverment. Unless you are disabled and cannot work, you should not be getting any money from the goverment.
Actually my state doesn't have state tax. Tax money is collected from other things like gasoline taxes (which mainly go for roads- I have no problem with that as I use the roads everyday), sales tax (which has skyrocketed the last 20 years), gaming tax (I have no problem with this one), and other taxes I am unaware of.
You used to be able to buy online to avoid state sales tax, but I think companies are voluntarily charging state taxes now.
What scares me is what goverment programs I'm paying for

I could move to another country. But what country has a tax rate lower than the U.S.?
P.S. note to IRS. I have always payed my taxes in the past. Please don't audit me
