Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
Nope. Blair is outmanuvering you. For awhile it looked like the UNSC resoultion would fail to get even a majority of the votes required, now Blair is coming up with a scheme that will get us 9 votes for the UNSC and allow us to go with war more support. Bush has been very clear he will go to war unless Saddam starts some drastic reversal; so you guys haven't accomplished anything.
Nope. Blair is outmanuvering you. For awhile it looked like the UNSC resoultion would fail to get even a majority of the votes required, now Blair is coming up with a scheme that will get us 9 votes for the UNSC and allow us to go with war more support. Bush has been very clear he will go to war unless Saddam starts some drastic reversal; so you guys haven't accomplished anything.