Originally posted by Sir Ralph
It really doesn't matter much. There are, what, some 70,000 left here, most of which are absent most of the time anyway (in Yugoslavia/Afghanistan/Gulf region etc) and this way can't raise our economy significantly.
It really doesn't matter much. There are, what, some 70,000 left here, most of which are absent most of the time anyway (in Yugoslavia/Afghanistan/Gulf region etc) and this way can't raise our economy significantly.
EDIT: I found some other numbers that said that NATO costs us 90bn USD/yr. Since 70% of that force is stationed in Germany that would be something around 60bn USD (Of course not all of that money would flow directly into the German economy).
The big cut already was in the early nineties, when the occupation of Germany ended and the US forces were reduced from several hundred thousands to the mentioned 70,000 NATO contingent. Mind you, that time it was Germany, who asked the US forces to leave. So the economical drawback couldn't really hurt much.
What concerns the upcoming complete withdrawal of the US forces... well, you are overestimating our interest. It's not that we're saying "Holy ****, now that will hurt us severely!"
. Neither will we dance in the streets. The reaction most likely will be "So the Americans pull their forces out. And what else did happen?"

Hopefully, the other Germans will feel just as you do.