Originally posted by SlowwHand
You should be shot, monkspider.
There's a difference in not supporting a war and making a statement like that.
You should be shot, monkspider.
There's a difference in not supporting a war and making a statement like that.

You're the one who seems to not like American freedom of speech, so I'd suggest this time you be the one to get your ass out of the country. Try Paraguay, Laz tells me it's wonderful.
Until the war is shown to be just on the part of the U.S. and allies (which it hasn't), any military action is unjust aggression. The unjust aggressors should always lose.
Should the situation change (someone magically produces something resembling a coherent just cause to attack Iraq), then of course the U.S. and allies should hopefully prevail.
In the event of the former scenario, I would count the death of every U.S. service person as a murder by Bush & Co. They will have been responsible for the unjust deaths of their own people, as well as Iraqis.