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Which Celebrity Would Most Likely Date You?

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  • #76

    Dan Marino 98%
    Liev Schreiber 98%
    Sean Penn 97%
    Mark Dacascos 96%
    Guy Pearce

    Just out of idle curiousity...

    Sarah Jessica Parker 99%
    Judith de Klijn 98%
    Molly Ringwald 98%
    Carola 97%
    Kathy Najimy 97%

    Well, I had no idea who Dan Marino was. An American Football player? Mmm. A sport so dull and incomprehensible it made my optic nerves wither and die. Liev Schrieber's work I've enjoyed. Sean Penn? Non, merci. I saw Guy Pearce a little while ago in Chapel Street, and he's looking a tad emaciated. Mark Dacascos I had never heard of, but having seen some photos where he has short hair, he'd be quite acceptable.

    As for the women- well, S.J.P. I'm meant to be 99% physically and intellectually compatible with. Molly Ringwald, ah, oh, let's skip that. Kathy Najimy I think is very funny, and I've always thought fuller figured women more attractive than androgynized x-rays. Never heard of Judith Klijn or Carola. The latter sounds like a breakfast cereal, but is probably a porn star.

    So, no 15 year old teen idols and no David Hassellhoffs. Could have done worse...
    Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

    ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915

