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Do you like people?

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  • Do you like people?

    I mean in general. Do you like people? Like, when you go to an amusement park, do you get disgusted by all the people? or do you like them? I personally hate crowds because I hate people. People are stupid, and obnoxious, and I sometimes secretly wish for a natural disaster. No seriously, I don't particularly care for crowds. How about you?
    Yes! I love all human beings!
    Crowds, large gatherings, and people in general don't bother me.
    No! I hate people and wish they would just go away!
    Time it takes for a person to slip on a banana and hit the ground? A bananosecond!
    To us, it is the BEAST.

  • #2
    i love people! but they dont love me
    "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
    'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


    • #3
      I love you MRT144!
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #4
        I really like the vast majority of people but don't really like the noice and congestion of big crowds. None of your options seem to apply since there are a small number of people that are pretty much scum
        You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


        • #5
          banana then
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #6
            I know that I have been build to love all people, with the possible exception of Earthlings. In fact I have always had the feeling that just before their birth, humans are assigned a planet : all the normal humans are send to planet X, all others are send on Earth where are concentrated liers, thiefs, warmongers, pathological posters, etc ...
            Statistical anomaly.
            The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


            • #7
              I generally like people and I don't abhor large crowds (who are you kidding, this is Hong Kong ). However, I prefer not going to crowded areas if possible.
              (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
              (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
              (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


              • #8
                If I had a problem with people, boy would I have picked the wrong place to live!
                Tutto nel mondo è burla


                • #9
                  I find humaans disgusting and they should all vanish. Well, maybe except a few nice females, if they could be brainwashed to think and do as I wish.
                  får jag köpa din syster? tre kameler för din syster!


                  • #10
                    I like people. The onces I like. As for the others, live and let live unless they bother me more than just insult my (cultural-civility) aesthetics and start stepping on my toes in which case I fight back. Or at least I try.

                    But people, the ones worth it, are generally... interesting and entertaining. *nose slaps at the ceiling*


                    • #11
                      what about turks paitkis?
                      "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
                      'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


                      • #12
                        I don't like people, I don't hate people.

                        Most of the time people annoy me, even if their intentions are good...

                        It's not very often people don't annoy me. The best most people can hope for is the "don't mind" category really.

                        And I hate large crowds in general.
                        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                        • #13
                          99% of people are perfectly alright. It's the other 1% that give them all a bad name.
                          "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                          Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                          • #14
                            I dont like large crowds, or even contact with people I dont know.

                            If it's something small like going to the bank or buying something quick, then it's not a problem. But long shoppings are hell. It's like a military operation. Go in, do the job as quickly as possible, go out.
                            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                            • #15
                              Wow, the outcome of the poll is aweful. Until now, I'm one of only 3 people who didn't vote for "I hate everybody" - and I already thought I was misanthropic.
                              I don't love people either, I have no hope for mankind's betterment and think we'll destroy ourselves sooner or later with our stupidity. But many people don't do it on purpose, so I don't generally hate people.
                              That's about it - one person might be nice, but in a crowd...
                              "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
                              "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.

