So I've been droping off resume's and talking to friends in finding a second goof around kind of job - and something rather ironic stuck out for three of the attempts so far.
-I was point blank told by my hairdresser that I would NOT be hired for any position simply because I'm not gay, despite the fact that the girls, flamers and I always have a fun time together in there
-I was point blank told by a dj friend who works at the bar that they would NOT hire me for any position (even beer server) simply because I was not gay. This is probably a good thing because I'd be roofied in about 10 minutes, judging from all the sordid man-hand ass grabs that come my way in gay friendly environments
-That's all I can remember
You know, I don't think it's a bad thing though, honestly. I guess if they have certain cultural priorities to be filled in these "positions", then so be it. It just seems a dangerous precedent for all businesses to go back to discriminatory hiring practises legally
So I've been droping off resume's and talking to friends in finding a second goof around kind of job - and something rather ironic stuck out for three of the attempts so far.
-I was point blank told by my hairdresser that I would NOT be hired for any position simply because I'm not gay, despite the fact that the girls, flamers and I always have a fun time together in there
-I was point blank told by a dj friend who works at the bar that they would NOT hire me for any position (even beer server) simply because I was not gay. This is probably a good thing because I'd be roofied in about 10 minutes, judging from all the sordid man-hand ass grabs that come my way in gay friendly environments
-That's all I can remember
You know, I don't think it's a bad thing though, honestly. I guess if they have certain cultural priorities to be filled in these "positions", then so be it. It just seems a dangerous precedent for all businesses to go back to discriminatory hiring practises legally