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Was Stalin really that evil?

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    • Russkoyazichnogo polku pribilo

      Kstati, shas smotryu 'vrag u vorot'. Nu takaya... huynya, prosto polnaya. Ktruto oni sebe predstavlyaut voinu na vostochnom fronte.

      p.s. Blyat, vot urodi. Rezhiseru nado nogi virvat za takoi naglyi pizdesh.
      Last edited by Serb; March 8, 2003, 07:33.


      • Originally posted by The Mad Monk

        "Spam"- it's old Russian word. You guys just stole it.


        • Originally posted by Serb
          Russkoyazichnogo polku pribilo

          Kstati, shas smotryu 'vrag u vorot'. Nu takaya... huynya, prosto polnaya. Ktruto oni sebe predstavlyaut voinu na vostochnom fronte.

          p.s. Blyat, vot urodi. Rezhiseru nado nogi virvat za takoi naglyi pizdesh.
          dibilnaya nachala tovo filma. sniperskaya actziya bilo intersno koneshno, nu nachala =

          konetz dlya "Hunt for Red October" bil tozhe dibilniy. Nashi Savetzkiyi dolzhni utonit vseh duratskih Amerikansov. mne ne nravitsa kogda Sean Connery otrkivayet svoi rot v'etom filma tozhe. Kak on pitayitza govorit po'ruski, eto kogbuto kuski govna iz yevo rota padayut. pochti kobuta on iz zhopi govorit.

          Mne nravitsa film K-19. Etot tolko odin Amerikanskiy film toshto pitayitsi pakazat nas v'normalnom svete, ya dumayu. On nebil "cherno-beliy" gde Amerikansi vse pravilni and mi net. U menya pochti nebilo problem s'nim.


          • Nu neznaiyu, Ya lichno i v "K-19" dofiga kosyakov nashel. Nachalo tam tozhe super - na vse eshe stroyusheisya lodke provodyat ucheniya Horosho eshe v konze ne Amerikosy vseh spasayut. Da i ktomu zhe nebilo na lodke nikakogo bunta, i otnosheniya u starpoma i kapitana bili Ok. I povrezhdeniya na lodke bili sovsem drugogo haractera i nikto tam vodu v reactor ne zakachival.
            Nu konechno Americosy vsezhe postaralis nas v ocherednoy raz lohamy izobrazit: lodka- dryan, rzhaviy hlam (u nih to takih nebilo, po chasty podvodnih lodok rebyata krepko u nas osasivayut), matrosy ne obucheny- pervoe zhe uchenie- dvoe ranenih, zeleniy oficer upravlyaet reactorom FLAGMANA atomnogo flota starny- voobshe polniy bred, itd. Nu ne mogut Yankee bez etogo
            Nu tak v celom film niche, voobshem to naverno luchshii is holiwwodskoy bredyatiny, kotoruyu oni pro nas nasnimali. Po sravneniyu s 'Airforce one' prosto super!!!

            p.s. Da ishe vspomnil, Harrison Ford tam kuril ne zatyagivayas. Nu gde eto vidano chto by Sovetskie moryaki ne v zatyag kurili? Ne film fuflo, odnoznachno. j/k

            Ya chustvuyu shaz prosnutsya moderatory i nachnut nas za nash nefiltrovanuy bazar gonyat.
            Last edited by Serb; March 8, 2003, 09:27.


            • p.s. Da ishe vspomnil, Harrison Ford tam kuril ne zatyagivayas. Nu gde eto vidano chto by Sovetskie moryaki ne v zatyag kurili? Ne film fuflo, odnoznachno. j/k


              • Originally posted by Propaganda
                You know, I went down to the page and read his "sources," and what struck me funny was that I HAVE ALREADY DISPROVED THESE PEOPLE IN MY POSTS. Please read what I have posted. I don't want to waste my time.
                You have disproved all of the sources used by a professor emeritus in a lenghty study on murder by government? Interesting. Thats quite a few sources. Here they are, could you point out which ones you have disproved?

                R.J. Rummel, Democide, mass murder, genocide, massacre, killed, death, terrorism, bombing, executions, assassinations, concentrations camps, labor camps, forced labor, man-made famine, hanging, shooting, burial alive, gassing, working to death, burning alive, knifing, disease, starving, suicide, Lenin, Marx, Stalin, war, violence, conflict, rebellion, revolution, civil war, domestic, internal, foreign, aggression, repression, purges, USSR, Soviet Union, Poland, Baltic States, deportation, Germans, collectivization, communism, fascism, totalitarian, Marxism, Marx-Leninism, statism, state, imperialism, colonialism

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                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • oops. Too long. Here are the rest.

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                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • Speaking of sources, going back to the first link I posted:

                    What was the world doing while all this was going on? Marco Carynnyk, 39, is a Toronto-based freelance writer and translator who five years ago embarked on single-handed research to document the holocaust. His work has revealed two reasons why the free world did not act: a press cover-up and government hard-heartedness.

                    For the most part, says Mr. Carynnyk, the Moscow press corps consisted of western journalists sympathetic to the cause of the Russian Revolution, inclined to believe what the Soviets told them. When word began leaking into Moscow from foreign engineers and technicians returning from the Ukraine, their reports were discounted by most. There was a prohibition on travel, for: another thing. For a third, in the spring of 1933 a group of British engineers working in Moscow had been put on trial for espionage. The story was top priority for the press corps, and the Soviets told them if they wrote about the famine they would not be allowed to cover the trial.

                    Returnee Muggeridge: The press aided the cover-up

                    Some got the story in spite of all this. Malcolm Muggeridge had gone to Moscow for the Manchester Guardian as a Communist sympathizer, and indeed, was fully expecting to live the rest of his life in the U.S.S.R. Scion of a Fabian Socialist family though he was, he was soon disillusioned by the atmosphere of fear he found and the stratification of society more severe even than Imperial India, with many privileges preserved for the Communist Party elite. When he heard of the famine, the embittered Mr. Muggeridge simply eluded the security net and hopped on a train to the Ukraine. He saw for himself and sent his stories back to Britain by diplomatic pouch to avoid the censor. The Guardian, a pro-Soviet liberal paper, printed them in a much mutilated form, and Mr. Muggeridge returned home to find himself in great disfavour with the socialist elite, and unable to get a job.

                    On the other hand, another Moscow correspondent, the New York Times' Walter Duranty sent home slavishly pro-Soviet articles throughout a long career and even won a Pulitzer Prize. Mr. Muggeridge calls him "the greatest liar of any journalist that I have met in 50 years." He printed a series denying the famine which served as valuable ammunition for communist sympathizers when the Roosevelt administration considered re-opening diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. Western European governments knew too. The British government had word from nationals working in the countryside on heavy industrial sites, and from Ukrainians who had emigrated to Canada before the First World War and then returned to the Ukraine during the previous decade. The Germans had three consulates in the Ukraine, and the various embassies exchanged information freely.

                    You know, I don't see Conquest mentioned there. Do you? I guess eye witnesses are not so easy to 'disprove', eh?
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • Comrade, you need to give it up. Don't blind yourself into thinking Stalin was a communist, or even a good man......Thats ignorance.
                      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                      • notyoueither: an honest question: why should I trust an american source from the cold war?


                        • Originally posted by Tassadar5000
                          Comrade, you need to give it up. Don't blind yourself into thinking Stalin was a communist,
                          He was a commie. The fact he was a "bad man" doesn't remove that fact.
                          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                          • Wow, I could flood a thread with so much drek that no one would read it and declare my point vindicated also. Course, unlike Propaganda, I'm actually trying to win people over to the revolution.
                            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                            • urgh.NSFW


                              • Originally posted by Azazel
                                notyoueither: an honest question: why should I trust an american source from the cold war?
                                re the study on democide


                                to R.J. Rummel,

                                Lethal Politics: Soviet
                                Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917
                                New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publications, 1992

                                from the Alberta Report article.

                                Some got the story in spite of all this. Malcolm Muggeridge had gone to Moscow for the Manchester Guardian as a Communist sympathizer, and indeed, was fully expecting to live the rest of his life in the U.S.S.R. Scion of a Fabian Socialist family though he was, he was soon disillusioned by the atmosphere of fear he found and the stratification of society more severe even than Imperial India, with many privileges preserved for the Communist Party elite. When he heard of the famine, the embittered Mr. Muggeridge simply eluded the security net and hopped on a train to the Ukraine. He saw for himself and sent his stories back to Britain by diplomatic pouch to avoid the censor. The Guardian, a pro-Soviet liberal paper, printed them in a much mutilated form, and Mr. Muggeridge returned home to find himself in great disfavour with the socialist elite, and unable to get a job.

                                Honest answer, these aren't just American sources from the Cold War.

                                To be honest, I'm shocked that there are people who would deny the level of savagery that the Soviet Union descended to under Stalin. I guess I shouldn't be, since there are at least a few people around who will deny just about anything.

                                btw, I don't equate Stalin with all of the Soviet Union, although the camps were not all closed after his death. And I certainly do not equate the Soviet Union with Russia. Rather, I think that Russia was almost as big a victim as most of the other subject states.
                                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

