Oh, right. Sorry DinoDoc. I tend to get upset when people steal from me too.
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Fair Taxation
im high on DXM right now so this might not come out right, but this all comes down to two opinions:
the self sufficent train of thought, where everyone be selfish should look out for themselves and the poor should look for the philanthropy of the rich to survive and the welfare state train of thought where the government should rob rich people of their hard earned money and distribute it to the poor.
i think neither alone is best solution to the problem of the poor, but if we take ideas from both maybe we can solve the problem of the working poor stagnating in progress of the class system."I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger
Azazel -No. So did the concept of police, rule of law ( in some monarchies), even the concept of RIGHTS. To which I don't adhere, btw.
I am a consequentialist. To me, it CAN be moral.
There are tens of millions of people around the globe sick of HIV including the US, and when their pathetic worthless governments do try and help them, they're being threatened on the ground of intellectual property, WHILE MILLIONS HUMAN LIVES ARE AT STAKE.
people dying from malnutrition, because their countrymen choose to plant coffee instread of food.
Kids all around the planet forced to go to ****ty schools, and to be humiliated by their friends because their father, something they had nothing to do with.
HOW DARE YOU CLAIM MORAL SUPERIORITY, while your basic law says "MINE IT'S ALL MINE", how dare you accuse of theft people that are trying to make more people happy.
You and your kind are an abomination of humankind, a twisted caricature of the progress of our great species.
Duncan -Actually I agree with you all all of the above.
In so far as people are born into different classes in our society they should have no legitimate claim to to the wealth that they are given at birth.
Since this was unfair in the first place.
And in so far that people 'steal' in the first place, they should have no legitimate claim to what they have stolen.
Stealing occurs and people obtain wealth that they did not work for.
We should help the poor who have been placed in a position which grants them less opportinity to steal, and therefore have been less able to steal as priviledged people.
Since opportunity is not equal the poor should have a right to have some things to help them survive.
You think you have a right to be part of an elite class.
But you are only able to be in that class by law.
We want to change that law, because we don't think you are better than us.
You guys are sick for wanting to tax the poor the way you want to
Sava -The Capitalist version of choice is: getting rid of the high paying jobs, and letting you choose between the low paying ones.
LoA -It was a market failure.
Here are the two elements of market failure
1. Monopolies
2. Externalities
The government did not prevent monopolies from forming.
This led to increased costs for everyone. People were spending more and getting less. They cut back consumption, which led to a decrease in supply. Since people were speculating like crazy, when the stock market crashed, everyone who was playing it on credit lost it all. They couldnt pay back the creditors, so they went bankrupt. The creditors couldnt pay back the banks so they went bankrupt. The banks couldnt pay back its lendors, so they went bankrupt. the money supply was constricted and the Fed forgot to drop the interest rates.
Market Failure
Now lets see what happens when you buy something and you dont pay for it. You go to jail. Same with the government. You 'buy' services from the government and if you dont pay you go to jail. Sounds fair to me. And its equal because everyone who doesnt pay goes to jail.
Why isn't a 23% flat tax fair? First of all, total income is a bad way toview this situation. We must look at how much money this person has left after tax. THis is called disposable income. Now, lets say that Timmy makes $100 a year. At the end of being taxed, he has $77 left. Now lets compare Timmy to Bruce, who makes $1000 a year. At 23%, Bruce is left with $770.
Well thats fair, you say. Each of them have paid the same percentage, but Bruce has paid more absolutly.
I'm still not getting an answer to a question I have for you guys, should I be allowed to kill people who are 80 years old If I will only live to 60? If a child will die of leukemia at the age of 12, should we all kill each other when we surpass that age? Why is it fair for you to outlive other people since it's unfair for one person to make more money than someone else?
Odin -Libertarians are so dense and naive. They say, "don't steal our money," yet they are too greedy to help those poor people in Africa.
The assumption that "you'll get rich if you work hard" is a bunch of capitalist propaganda used to keep thier workers under control.
Most poor people work hard all thier lives, and retire poor; while the rich kid inherits some of his/her parent's money (Thank heavans of a death tax) and is rich without even working.
I say we make inheritance of money ILLEGAL
everybody should work just as hard to get as far. Let the rich kid work in a factory, or a bar (like my mom), or a sugar beet processing facillity (like my my dad)!
Sava -LIbertarians simply feel that the wealthy's right to their money is more important than a child born in to poverty's right to education and health care.
Originally posted by Berzerker
Then why do you support legalised theft?"When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
"All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
"Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui
Look, you little *****. one BILLION on this planet lives in on less than a dollar per day.
There are tens of millions of people around the globe sick of HIV including the US, and when their pathetic worthless governments do try and help them, they're being threatened on the ground of intellectual property, WHILE MILLIONS HUMAN LIVES ARE AT STAKE. people dying from malnutrition, because their countrymen choose to plant coffee instread of food.
Kids all around the planet forced to go to ****ty schools, and to be humiliated by their friends because their father, something they had nothing to do with.
how dare you accuse of theft people that are trying to make more people happy.
You and your kind are an abomination of humankind, a twisted caricature of the progress of our great species.Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DaveDaDouche
Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself: http://davedadouche.blogspot.com/
They say, "don't steal our money," yet they are too greedy to help those poor people in Africa.
I say we make inheritance of money ILLEGAL;Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DaveDaDouche
Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself: http://davedadouche.blogspot.com/
LIbertarians simply feel that the wealthy's right to their money is more important than a child born in to poverty's right to education and health care.
Maybe people that are lucky enough to get born into wealth, go to rich suburban schools, and get sent to ivy league schools; but not people born to poverty. They don't even have decent public education, so by 17-18, they don't have the education to even get into college if they wanted to. And many times, people have to quit school and work so their family can have enough money to eat or have a roof over their heads.
Why do you think, that of the pool of people that understand the Sociology of America, the vast majority support Socialist programs?Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DaveDaDouche
Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself: http://davedadouche.blogspot.com/
Yep, give us some more reactionary, libertarian (=capitalist greedy pig) BS.My family lives on US$30,000 per year, do you call that living comfortably.
We barely make ends meet working our buts off while a corperate bigwig just talks his mouth off to investors and makes $300,000 per year. If all the wealth was distributed equally I bet we would all get $70,000 dollars per year. Don't say that if you want that much income go to college, not everybody has that brainpower. If you give a person less money just because he is not as smart as the guy from Harvard, that is discrimination my friends.
Originally posted by David Floyd
Cry me a ****ing river, but this has nothing to do with me."When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
"All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
"Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui
My family lives on US$30,000 per year, do you call that living comfortably.
Oh, but you couldn't do that - that might mean personal responsibility, mightn't it?
We barely make ends meet working our buts off while a corperate bigwig just talks his mouth off to investors and makes $300,000 per year.
If all the wealth was distributed equally I bet we would all get $70,000 dollars per year.
Don't say that if you want that much income go to college, not everybody has that brainpower.
If you give a person less money just because he is not as smart as the guy from Harvard, that is discrimination my friends.Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DaveDaDouche
Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself: http://davedadouche.blogspot.com/
DF, I think you might be antisocialFollow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DaveDaDouche
Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself: http://davedadouche.blogspot.com/
No, what's annoying is you socialist types not adequately responding to my points. Leads me to believe that you really have no argument. Which doesn't necessarily mean an argument couldn't be made, just that you don't know how to make it.
At least, that's what it looks like.Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DaveDaDouche
Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself: http://davedadouche.blogspot.com/