Originally posted by HershOstropoler
Well if the US position were "We want Saddam to disarm, as a last resort we'll go to war", that would cause a lot less problems. But the Bush admin chickenhawks have been searching an excuse for attacking Iraq since they came to power, so the assurances from Bush and co carry zero credibility. Especially if their scenario for after the war is "We'll hold hands with jubilating Iraqis and will pump happily ever after".
Well if the US position were "We want Saddam to disarm, as a last resort we'll go to war", that would cause a lot less problems. But the Bush admin chickenhawks have been searching an excuse for attacking Iraq since they came to power, so the assurances from Bush and co carry zero credibility. Especially if their scenario for after the war is "We'll hold hands with jubilating Iraqis and will pump happily ever after".
Ya know, Roland, this whole cross-pond who bashes who more crapfest just won't work as well if we keep agreeing with each other.