He is almost right.
The manned space programme s a waste of money. NASA is not though, since there are lots of great unmanned research projects which NASA is doing.
The manned stuff is just public relations.
Oh, and by the way, the 'spin-off' argument is bull****. You would get the same amount of spin-offs by spending the same amount of money researching something useful on the ground. They might not be the same spin-offs, so you might have a cure for cancer rather than a cell-phone, but so what?
The manned space programme s a waste of money. NASA is not though, since there are lots of great unmanned research projects which NASA is doing.
The manned stuff is just public relations.

Oh, and by the way, the 'spin-off' argument is bull****. You would get the same amount of spin-offs by spending the same amount of money researching something useful on the ground. They might not be the same spin-offs, so you might have a cure for cancer rather than a cell-phone, but so what?