I created a 100% free dating site/chat site this time last year for my resume and then just sort of left it lieing around. Http://www.plentyoffish.com
But now i want to advertise it some and see what kind of response i get. Anyone have any good ideas about how i could advertise it online for free.?
My goal is to create a user community like off topic here for my forums and then a dating/profiles section of the website.. Anyways i know there are a lot of people who started thier own websites trolling these forums and i would like to know what you did.
P.S psst ming want a new moderator job
But now i want to advertise it some and see what kind of response i get. Anyone have any good ideas about how i could advertise it online for free.?
My goal is to create a user community like off topic here for my forums and then a dating/profiles section of the website.. Anyways i know there are a lot of people who started thier own websites trolling these forums and i would like to know what you did.
P.S psst ming want a new moderator job
