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Are all races equal?

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  • Originally posted by raguil_79

    Rejoice while ye can. You, your sons or at the most, your grandsons may not share your optimism.
    I don't think you have to be from a successfull race to believe yourself superior, but it does give you an argument to use.
    "When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
    "All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
    "Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui


    • Heh...

      First Racial superiority of whiteman is a historical sureness (I know it could be a new word, but i do not want to see to the dictionary). From the beginning of white culture, white culture were always dominating others. Our White supremacy is almoast over 2000 years. Our civilisation changed many times their geopolitical structure, but always to fit the reality. That what is a difference between White culture and other is that we were expansionist, and we always want to be better. Chinese, Indian, Persian, Muslims had their times of greatness, but it ended because they could not change their forms of organization. They had no cultural life, cultural modernization.

      We, Europeans (Americans are Europeans too) have everything: we have God, and many gods, we have monoteism, and politeism, Church, and Churches, we have all religions, and faiths, all sects, and religion movements, we have symbols, myths, legends, saint books, we have many languages, dialects, cultures, climates, we have seas, oceans, mountains, and deserts, we have art, literature, philosophy, which is better then everything others human did, we have physics, and metaphysics, matematics, and music, which never created anybody on earth, we have mighty technics, and subtele, poetry, we have neverending will to gain the new lands, and will to contemplate, reflection, we have a need of prometeistic revolution, and unconditional obedient, we have faust vitalism, and franciszkanski calm, we have machiavelistic cynism, and very deep idealism, tomantic feeling, and classical moderation, we have political realism, and many kinds of utopia, we have heros, emperors, imperators, popes, kings, chiefs, cardinals, marshals, generals, berserks, aristocrats, magnats, nobles, citizens, peasants, proletarians, nomads, crusaders, knights, warriors, condotiers, paid forces, sailors, corsairs, pirates, conquerors, builders, bankiers, merchants, explorators, conqwistadors, travelers, researches, pilgrims, missionars, saints, gnostics, inquisitors, heretics, ascets, epikureians, dandis, traders, maklers, revolutioners, demagogs, fanatics, we have amazons, witches, princess, queens, emancipants, matrons, we have creators, of laws, codecs, astrologists, astronoms, alchemics, and chemics, and political thinkers,, scientists who are the best in the world.

      We, White man know every forms of conquer and rule - political, economic, military, financial, ideological, religous, cultural, and moral, we have all ideas of expansion, infiltration, colonization, penetration, assimilation, enculturation, we have all goverments, and political forms: Empire, monarchies, citys-states, republics, despotism, democartic all types, big, and small countries, slavery, feudalism, and capitalism, socialism, and communism, state society, and corporationism, military, and civil dictatures, centralism, and federalism, mafia and oligarchia, totalitarism, and anarchia, etatism, and free market, we have okupactions, anextion, cession, protectorats, federations, and confederations, unions, and we know all types of soiety organization, and we know all civilizations.

      We declared wars, and won or lost them, we made a revolutions, and we destroyed many revolutions, we occupied, and weve been occupied, we had a conspiracy, and we destroyed many conspiracies, we did a crusades, and we did a most subtele diplomacy or we walk like the wild hordes to destroy the enemy with blood and sword, we know ruses, tricks, fortles, and we know what is blood, and iron. Weve been partisans, diversants, terrorists, and we killed partisans, diversants, and terrorists.


      Well, United States are the white people, and United States are now the biggest country, and strongest, but only because Europe is divided. In Europe the level of life is better, because of smaller diversity of goods. (I exclude Poland, because of communism).

      And of course as Pole I see that Polish culture in White cultures are not the strongest, and I know we are not the best Whites But as a whole group Im White, so I know I belong to the European, White, superior civilization, the civilization of better men, better in all ways

      But as I said, Americans, are the geopolitical strucuture of White supremacy today, I agree. But tomorrow could be different. But tomorrow could be only white
      "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


      • Originally posted by Luk

        Well, United States are the white people, and United States are now the biggest country, and strongest, but only because Europe is divided. In Europe the level of life is better, because of smaller diversity of goods. (I exclude Poland, because of communism).
        Exactly how little or how much do you know about United State's society and culture?

        The United States is not a homogenous country -- it's one of the more diverse countries in the world. American citizens have come from Asian countries, African countries, Latin American countries, Brazil, Middle Eastern countries, Australia/New Zealand and . . . oh yeah, Europe.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • Luk,

          Only a prejudice person would continue this argument as you have. When you are prejudice you can not think rationally. You need to stop and try to think rationally.
          "When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
          "All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
          "Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui


          • *Sits, listens and shakes head in disbelief*


            • Hahah, what a great arguments
              Im totaly defeated
              "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


              • look man, It's 1:30 AM here. But still I probably would post the 3-4 long-ish posts needed to prove that you're wrong. That is IF I thought that you would change your mind, and that your mind is flexible and able to argue. That you're able to concede a defeat in arguement, and are smart enough to understand that finding out that you're wrong in a theoretical/philosophical argument does insult you as a person, but only shows you a clearer picture of reality, hones your debating skills, and makes you generally, a better person.

                But, I am in much doubt.


                • Originally posted by Calc II
                  Raguil, I guess your statement would be 100% correct if you can ONLY make the assumption that white people are indeed superior today. So I guess either way racial superiority doesnt work out.
                  Totally agree.

                  Should've use the world "successful" instead of superior since I didn't intend it to mean in the same way Luk did.
                  A true ally stabs you in the front.

                  Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                  • An interesting thought regarding racial differences, is that Caucasians are more predisposed towards MS, than any other racial group. This is partially due to the fact that MS is based around temperate areas, but asian people due not get MS nearly as much as caucasians (especially caucasian women).

                    Question... on a biological level is there a genetic difference between racial groups as would be seen in the canine species? I don't know enough about canines to say yay or nay. I know that there are obvious physical differences between say German shepards and poodles. How different are they genetically?
                    What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"



                      After this latest rant, Luk should change his name to O'Brien from 1984. "The party invented everything..."

                      If you have not been "defeated" at the debate why haven't you "defeated" MY arguments on page 5 and 6? Cavebear has also made some good points you haven't "defeated". The fact is you have not based yourself on any scientific evidence to prove your claim. Sure, the white man's CURRENT success has been through culture, but race? don't think so.

                      I cannot slam on the white race because, well, I am to a degree descendant from white blood just as I also have indian blood. But all in all, I bet there are MILLIONS of non-whites who are SMARTER, STRONGER, FASTER, CUTER, BETTER AT EVERYTHING YOU DO. There goes your superiorty.
                      A true ally stabs you in the front.

                      Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                      • Originally posted by Luk
                        Hahah, what a great arguments
                        Im totaly defeated
                        Luk, your own arguments are best summed up by your statement, "Facts are obiective. And obiective is that White race is the best. I do not care why, but we are the best." Paraphrasing, "I'm right, I can't prove it, hell, I can't even provide a shred of evidence, but I'm still right, and I don't care what everybody else says." If you can't see the stupidity if your own arguments, then you're a lost cause. Why would you expect anybody to keep hitting their head against a brick wall to change your mind, when your fingers are jammed firmly in your ears? It's crazy, I tells ya.
                        <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                        • I can't believe I just wasted the better part of an hour of my life reading this crap.

                          This thread makes me want to gouge out my eyeballs with sandpaper.

                          But don't think for a second I'd give you wingnuts the satisfaction.

                          Luk--do us all a favor, and get lost.
                          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                          • He talks the talk, but the guy probably jerks off with Halle Berry pictures just like the rest of the civilized world.

                            Nuff said.
                            A true ally stabs you in the front.

                            Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                            • Got any good pictures for me.
                              "When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
                              "All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
                              "Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui


                              • Halle Berry rules! I love her!
                                In da butt.
                                "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                                THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                                "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.

