Excellent post, AS.
I wouldn't be so sure about the pair of sixes. The French are doing their best to muck things up, but we've got ~100,000 boots on the ground that say the French are peripheral actors.
Exile and other forms of regime change have come up in the last couple of days. The ME is beginning to discount the continued existence of the Hussein regime, which could snowball.
Yep. I agree. We can only imagine that the French were looking for tactical advantage wrt public opinion.
Yeh, this grated on my nerves too. They don't have to resort to telling obvious untruths in order to make a good argument. The way the atmosphere of the French news conference was portrayed in the Post (theatrical, overblown), you got the feeling that this was amateur hour. Lots of Saddam coddling.
It's a shame, more than anything, because that is the best way to avoid war. Bush gave the UN a fair crack at trying to deal with the problem, or being 75% of the solution.
But I do think that the 1st resolution was valuable to us, even without the second. The coalition will be bigger for it. Powell didn't waste his time.
Originally posted by Adam Smith
I am not particularly in favor of invading Iraq. We are currently playing diplomatic poker, and right now it appears that all we have in our hand is a pair of sixes. However, I find these comments disturbing on three grounds.
I am not particularly in favor of invading Iraq. We are currently playing diplomatic poker, and right now it appears that all we have in our hand is a pair of sixes. However, I find these comments disturbing on three grounds.
Exile and other forms of regime change have come up in the last couple of days. The ME is beginning to discount the continued existence of the Hussein regime, which could snowball.
Frist, a few months back we went through a protracted discussion at the UN about whether there needed to be an additional resolution before attacking Iraq. We reached some kind of tenuous agreement, and now it appears that the French have not moved one inch from their original position.
Second, it appears that both the French and the Germans are not quite straight on their facts. According to de Villepin, quote:
"Already we know for a fact that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs are being largely blocked, even frozen. We must do everything possible to strengthen this process."
According to German Foreign Minister Fischerquote:
"Iraq has complied fully with all relevant resolutions and cooperated very closely with the U.N. team on the ground.
I will be the first to admit that there is no smoking gun. However, the UN inspectors indicated there are large gaps in the Iraqi declaration; there is no accounting for materials known to be in their possession during the prior inspections; and three thousand pages of classified documents which appear to be responsive to the UN request were found in the home of an Iraqi scientist. Do de Villepin and Fischer know something that the rest of us don’t, and if so would they please share it?
"Already we know for a fact that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs are being largely blocked, even frozen. We must do everything possible to strengthen this process."
According to German Foreign Minister Fischerquote:
"Iraq has complied fully with all relevant resolutions and cooperated very closely with the U.N. team on the ground.
I will be the first to admit that there is no smoking gun. However, the UN inspectors indicated there are large gaps in the Iraqi declaration; there is no accounting for materials known to be in their possession during the prior inspections; and three thousand pages of classified documents which appear to be responsive to the UN request were found in the home of an Iraqi scientist. Do de Villepin and Fischer know something that the rest of us don’t, and if so would they please share it?
Colin Powell busted his ass to get the US to play ball with the UN. And what we appear to have for our diplomatic efforts is a failure of other parties to negotiate, a likely willful ignorance of the facts, and little reason to take the word of the UN Security Council seriously. If this is the case, many Americans will wonder why we should even bother.
But I do think that the 1st resolution was valuable to us, even without the second. The coalition will be bigger for it. Powell didn't waste his time.