They claim it'll be the most powerful out of the bunch and will have "cross platform capabilities". Hmm.. Yeah, right.
2% drop in sales...
Europe and North America both set records in 2002 for video game software and hardware sales.
North America is the largest gaming market, followed by Europe, and then Asia, and the gap between Europe and Asia is growing quite rapidly.
A lot of people didn't believe those, but now two independent market research firms have confirmed this finding:
Xbox outsold Gamecube two-to-one in December in Europe as a whole, and eight-to-one in December in Australia. Conversely, the Gamecube outsold the Xbox roughly eight-to-one in Japan.
So now it's official, the only region (indeed, country) in the world that the Gamecube outsells the Xbox is Japan.
During the "holiday season", the Xbox sold 400,000 more hardware units in the US (excluding Canada & Mexico) than the Gamecube.
And Splinter Cell outsold Metroid Prime, 855,000 units versus 725,000.
And UbiSoft has announced Splinter Cell, in just over 5 weeks, sold over 1M copies in North America and over 600,000 in Europe.