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Why are Americans so different from the rest of us Westerners

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  • Originally posted by zulu9812
    Actually, I was asking whether or not he believed America to be able to claim responsibilty for ultimate victory.
    That's your fault for not being clear in your postings and Eurocentric to boot.

    if you think a leader murdering his own people in the name of ethnic cleansing isn't justification enough,

    No, I don't see that as a valid reason to violate your entirely reasonable prohibition against pointless foreign intervention into internal conflicts. I wasn't to enthused about sending troops to Somalia either.

    And just in case you were thinking of using my argument to sa

    I would appreciate you avoiding putting words in other people's mouths. It only serves to make you look asinine.
    I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
    For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


    • Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin

      The 1950s I think, involving United Fruit asking the CIA to overthrow the democratically elected government.
      And assassinate the President, which by US law is illegal, (i think murder is too)


      • Originally posted by zulu9812

        So what? How does that alter the fact that intervention was justified? Or were you picking on a mild inaccuracy because you didn't want to admit that my point was valid and correct?
        Zulu, I must have forgotten what your point was; however, the U.S. and the Europeans were both involved in Kosovo. You agree that the Kosovo was justified. Therefore the U.S., you will have to admit, does act to increase justice in the world. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


        • Originally posted by Ozz
          And assassinate the President, which by US law is illegal,
          It wasn't illegal at the time.
          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


          • Originally posted by Ozz

            Cause the British spread the tenets of their civilization
            over 1/4 of the world, or is American responsable for
            Democracy in India, Kenya etc? It would be true to say
            America is responsible for the continuing Democracy in
            some areas of the world, but the seed was planted by
            the UK
            I agree. America is part of the British civilization in most respects. We too are spreading British civilization to the extent we can.


            • I believe we have historically intervened in Carribean and Central American chaos in order primarily to protect American lives and property. Our recent intervention in Haiti was to restore some semblence of law and order.

              As to overthrowing democracies such as in Iran in 1953, this was all part of the cold war. We viewed the struggle against communism as a struggle for democracy and human rights precisely because of what we saw in the USSR and China. So-called democratic regimes had voted in communists in Europe and elsewhere after WWII. The problem was, these new communist governments promptly became part of the USSR's communist empire and thus were enemies of the United States, NATO and the West.

              You simply cannot divorce events in Iran from the cold war. That is taking it out of context.

              Since the fall of the USSR, we are much more tolerant of elected communist governments. Witness the current struggle in Venezuela. Despited the chaos, we have stayed out of it.


              • Originally posted by DinoDoc
                It wasn't illegal at the time.
                Murder or Assassination of a foreign head of state

                Which was legal?


                • I started reading this thread and got dizzy.

                  Then I just skipped to the last page... oh my god this is long!!!

                  Why are American so different from the rest of the west?

                  Simple... Money.

                  Americans have accepted the fact that money does in fact make the world go round. While this is a rather shallow look at it, it is, in my opinion, true.

                  Since we accept that fact, our society, economies, and even politics have moved to reflect that ideology.

                  The rest of the Western world has not accepted the fact that money is the source of all power (good and evil) because they do not want to face the ugliness of the truth. They therefore wallow in their patheticness of morals and ethics... ideals that have nothing to do with politics.

                  You may think I am being sarcastic, but I am not.

                  When the rest of the world declines (and they have) the offer to become more like Americans then they have elected to become, or stay, more ethical and more poverish. Oh, well... your loss.

                  Us Americans do infiltrated your no's and no thanks through our American propeganda disguised as movies, (red, white and) blue jeans, pepsi (red, white and blue), and McDonalds (which is actually communist, but anyway)...

                  I think that America is so diveresed and so driven by money, free trade, and humanitarian issues that the rest of the world becomes blinded to the actuall ways that make us the same as every other country. Such oversights lead to thread like this, and to the bettering of America and American culture becoming dominant the world over...

                  (I must say that while I love American Football, I like Rugby and Australian Rules Football even more.)


                  • USA!


                    • I started reading this thread and got dizzy.

                      Then I just skipped to the last page... oh my god this is long!!!

                      Why are American so different from the rest of the west?

                      Simple... Money.

                      Americans have accepted the fact that money does in fact make the world go round. While this is a rather shallow look at it, it is, in my opinion, true.

                      Since we accept that fact, our society, economies, and even politics have moved to reflect that ideology.

                      The rest of the Western world has not accepted the fact that money is the source of all power (good and evil) because they do not want to face the ugliness of the truth. They therefore wallow in their patheticness of morals and ethics... ideals that have nothing to do with politics.

                      You may think I am being sarcastic, but I am not.

                      When the rest of the world declines (and they have) the offer to become more like Americans then they have elected to become, or stay, more ethical and more poverish. Oh, well... your loss.

                      Us Americans do infiltrated your no's and no thanks through our American propeganda disguised as movies, (red, white and) blue jeans, pepsi (red, white and blue), and McDonalds (which is actually communist, but anyway)...

                      I think that America is so diveresed and so driven by money, free trade, and humanitarian issues that the rest of the world becomes blinded to the actuall ways that make us the same as every other country. Such oversights lead to thread like this, and to the bettering of America and American culture becoming dominant the world over...

                      (I must say that while I love American Football, I like Rugby and Australian Rules Football even more.)


                      • USA!


                        • Originally posted by Ned
                          So-called democratic regimes had voted in communists in Europe and elsewhere after WWII.
                          Which European countries elected Communists in free democratic elections?
                          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                          • Poland, and IIRC, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

                            "Free" of course is your word, not mine.


                            • Why are Americans so different - space

                              In Europe anywhere you go has clear evidence of 10,000 years of setttlement

                              In America there is not the obvious burden of history and you have the freedom to go where and do what you want
                              "An Outside Context Problem was the sort of thing most civilisations encountered just once, and which they tended to encounter rather in the same way a sentence encountered a full stop" - Excession


                              • If democratic elections are not free then they are by definition not democratic.
                                One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.

