Here's one for the history buffs 
This is sort of for a school project, but partly out of intrest. What are the top events that you think changed the world from 1600-2000? By the way, 'events' do not last a year or 2. WWII was not an event
Some on my list:
1607 1st N. American colony established at Jamestown
1609 Galileo proves Copernicus' heliocentric theory
1641 Charles I of England beheaded
1661 Louis XIV begins to centralize his power
1701 Jethro Tull invents seeding drill
1776 The USA declared independance from Britain (or maybe Jefferson drafts Dec of Ind)
1782 James Watt improves steam engine
1793 Louis XVI beheaded
1799 Napoleon seizes power
1814 Congress of Vienna decides Europe's future
1833 Factory Act (Britain)
1848 Marx writes the Communist Manifesto
1863 Emancipation Proclamation
1859 Darwin: The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
1871 Unification of Germany and Italy (2 events)
1917 March Revolution in Russia
1919 Treaty of Versailles
1945 First atomic bomb used on Hiroshima
1969 First man on moon
1991 Collapse of communism, USSR - end of cold war
Thats 20, need 5 more. If you disagree with a choice then post here.

This is sort of for a school project, but partly out of intrest. What are the top events that you think changed the world from 1600-2000? By the way, 'events' do not last a year or 2. WWII was not an event

Some on my list:
1607 1st N. American colony established at Jamestown
1609 Galileo proves Copernicus' heliocentric theory
1641 Charles I of England beheaded
1661 Louis XIV begins to centralize his power
1701 Jethro Tull invents seeding drill
1776 The USA declared independance from Britain (or maybe Jefferson drafts Dec of Ind)
1782 James Watt improves steam engine
1793 Louis XVI beheaded
1799 Napoleon seizes power
1814 Congress of Vienna decides Europe's future
1833 Factory Act (Britain)
1848 Marx writes the Communist Manifesto
1863 Emancipation Proclamation
1859 Darwin: The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
1871 Unification of Germany and Italy (2 events)
1917 March Revolution in Russia
1919 Treaty of Versailles
1945 First atomic bomb used on Hiroshima
1969 First man on moon
1991 Collapse of communism, USSR - end of cold war
Thats 20, need 5 more. If you disagree with a choice then post here.