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That "Millionaire" Show To Air. What Do You Think ?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tuberski
    On the other hand, who cares if he can't converse, he's got money....
    Exactly Tube, the average chick is just as shallow as the average man.

    As for the show itself, I did watch it tonight. Mildly entertaining I suppose. I found it kind of interesting that hardly of the girls were very cute and in fact, some of them even looked absurdly old. Especially considering that the Joe Millionaire character was in his mid 20's or so. Some of those gals had to be in their 40's.


    • #32
      The best part about "Joe Millionaire" was finding out that Alex McLeod is the host.

      Alex McLeod =

      Show her more on the next show, Fox! She's the most beautiful woman on there!


      • #33
        "Everyone involved in the show is acting immorally, so I don't see any allure in watching it."
        "The women are immorally seeking to marry a stranger because of his money."
        "The man is immorally participating in a plan to trick these women for his own financial gain."
        This show is genius! I was laughing from start to finish! I only wished they had spent more time developing him into a "refined" person: they should have had a whole week long training course for him, and then made that the first hour. Man, this show is so incredibly good! You all are judging it and not even watching it... Ridiculous! Most of these people are really interesting to me, and my sister and I have already chosen who we want to win and who the gold-digging *****es are! We're bonding over this show, it's so cute! Die Heidi, DIE! She totally sucks!
        You guys are all just trying to be "cool" I guess... Give in and accept the grandeur of this show!
        "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
        Drake Tungsten
        "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
        Albert Speer


        • #34
          Yeah, its all a moral debate, but still good TV all the same. I just can't wait for the lawsuits after the fact.


          • #35
            Boann I have never heard of a gold digger man. If the woman is hot the man will go for her even if she is dirt poor. It happens all the time.


            • #36
              This show is being seriously slammed as the downfall of television

              It's funny how women can get away with lying to men to get what they want, but when a guy does it he is the worst scum on earth.

              I don't like lying to women. But I do tell them I make a lot of money. I grew up dirt poor, and I consider the money I make a lot of money. They probably wouldn't though . But I would never blatantly lie and say I make over $100,000 a year. I would never do that. If they asked for an exact dollar figure, I would give it to them. Then I'd probably dump them - although I might wait to dump them...
              Last edited by Dis; January 7, 2003, 04:16.


              • #37
                I also would like to add that most women do fall for men that make a lot of money. This doesn't make them gold diggers mind you. It just so happens that most men who make a lot of men are great guys. They have loads of confidence, good looks, social and leadership skills, etc. This is why the women fall for them- not necessarily their money.

                But despite this I don't think the show concept is that absurd. I think it's about time this show came about. You have movies like Shallow hal that show men as being shallow. But you could probably never make a movie like that about a woman. Women often go for ugly guys with money. I have never lied about how much I make (see above), but I have seeen an ugly guy I knew (not really a friend, but an aquaintance) routinely dupe chicks into believing he was a radio DJ who made $80,000 a year. It worked on numerous chicks.

                I couldn't watch the show because of work. But I give the show credit for going against PC convention. Women can be just as shallow as men. Men dig looks, and women dig money. This is no suprise, and it is not absurd.


                • #38
                  The nice thing about this show is that so far not all of the women are falling into one "gold digger" category. There seem to be really nice girls, and then there are some nasty ones. They are not all the same.
                  People should really give this show a chance.
                  "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                  Drake Tungsten
                  "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                  Albert Speer


                  • #39
                    I heard on the radio the other day that "Joe" is in trouble with the law.

                    Seems he ran a toll booth without paying.

                    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                    • #40
                      if they aren't all gold diggers why are they there? . Oh I get it, because they want to meet a nice man, the money has nothing to do with it.


                      • #41
                        I saw him greeting, and saw the end of the choosing.
                        He's a bad chooser.
                        I understand he needs some riding lessons?
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                        "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                        He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                        • #42
                          i don't hate men...
                          i just have some "issues" right now

                          there are gold digger men..
                          gawd, are you all insane? nevermind...

                          i never have ever chosen a man because of the
                          amount of money he made ... and i don't know
                          any woman personally that has.
                          even if he had nothing... if i loved him....
                          it wouldn't matter at all.
                          "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn

