I'm in ugent need of help here. Right, I stupidly downloaded an attachment from an email and it turned out to be a virus (I really should've known). It went though 2 virus scans from seperate programs as well as an auto-protect, but it still got through. Now, I'm running Windows 2000 SP3 and the virus created 3 .exes in C:\WINNT\System32 - nav32_loader.exe, tcpsvs32.exe and WinServices.exe. The icons for each of these files is a blue love heart.
nav32_loader.exe shut down Norton Antivirus 2002 and is preventing it from loading again.
tcpsvs32.exe keeps trying to access the internet but has so far been blocked by my firewall (Zone Alarm Pro).
Both these files can be deleted, but are immediately spawned again by WinServices.exe. WinServices.exe cannot be deleted. I went into Properties and set all permissions to Deny and deselected the "Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object". I still couldn't delete it, but I hoped that this would stop it spawning those two other files. However, once I'd done that, any file with a .exe extension wasn't allowed to run (something to do with not being able to locate the file or the correct library). So I gave the permissons back and ticked that box. And lo and behold the other two files spawned again.
As you can see, I'm in somewhat of a pickle and would really appreciate some help.
nav32_loader.exe shut down Norton Antivirus 2002 and is preventing it from loading again.
tcpsvs32.exe keeps trying to access the internet but has so far been blocked by my firewall (Zone Alarm Pro).
Both these files can be deleted, but are immediately spawned again by WinServices.exe. WinServices.exe cannot be deleted. I went into Properties and set all permissions to Deny and deselected the "Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object". I still couldn't delete it, but I hoped that this would stop it spawning those two other files. However, once I'd done that, any file with a .exe extension wasn't allowed to run (something to do with not being able to locate the file or the correct library). So I gave the permissons back and ticked that box. And lo and behold the other two files spawned again.
As you can see, I'm in somewhat of a pickle and would really appreciate some help.